An Open Letter to Team Trump, Jarod Kushner, and Facebook

Yvonne Owens, PhD
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2017

To Whatever Agency (and to Facebook for letting it happen in so slavishly answering to your Masters) who removed my post of the film-video of Melania being abused and terrorized by Trump at the Inauguration, causing it to simultaneously disappear from the many social activism pages I had (fortunately) posted to also,

Fuck off my page and get the fuck OUT of my accounts.

It’s too late anyway. Literally hundreds of people saw it, and are commenting and hunting down the source as we speak. It can not remain buried for long, though your swift action is a testament to exactly how damning it is.

Jarod Kushner, who created an algorithm trojan horse program to hack social media accounts, called ‘The Alamo Project,’ that you wielded on Trump’s behalf all through the election to modify and coerce public opinion, fuck off my page, and try as best you can to get your Jewish soul back from the deep pit. Do you think you’re Faust, or what? Mephistophiles ALWAYS wins, in the end.

Facebook, there are other social media networks not so critically compromised as you, and there are infinitely more to come, that will supersede you. We all know it’s purely commercial and that you sell our data and information to corporate and government agents for data mining, buying and consumer patterning, voting and popular opinion gauging and modification, and I foresee a co-operative product forming in the ether now, that can do a better and more respectful job of representing us. So STOP kissing ass and being so fucking cowardly and STUPID with your ‘social’ product.




Yvonne Owens, PhD

I'm a writer/researcher/arts educator on Vancouver Island and all round global citizen who loves humans even though we're such a phenomenal pain-in-the-ass.