You’re a Reader — You Deserve Many Stories

Lincoln W Daniel
Penname Blog
Published in
Jun 6, 2021

You’re a reader. You deserve stories, many stories.

We’ve built a place where you can browse many stories, discover new writers and expand your knowledge of the world around you.

All you have to do is read.

Watch this video on YouTu:

If you want to stay up to date on your favorite writers, follow them. We’ll bring you their many stories.

And as we get to know you. We will help you discover many stories from other writers. We think you would enjoy.

Our time here is coming to an end, but there’s more to the story. Continue reading at



Lincoln W Daniel
Penname Blog

Chief Bull @ ® Elevating writers @ Author @JavaForHumans Ex: Editor in Chief MarkGrowth (acq.), Engineer @Medium @GoPuff