How to influence your followers like a boss

PENNInk Productions
PENNInk Productions
4 min readOct 20, 2016
rubber ducks in a row

Many small businesses misunderstand how social media marketing can generate new customers.

I generally like to think that there are believers and non-believers when it comes to social media marketing. I’m going to assume you’re probably somewhere in the middle.

Here are the top five ways to use social media to convert visitors into paying customers.

1. Share content from your website

Taking the first step by creating a website for your business involves creating high quality content for it. Savvy website owners are busy creating content on a consistent basis, tailored specifically to their target audience.

This can include:

  • blog posts
  • Ebooks
  • events
  • industry information
  • audio podcasts
  • videos/video podcasts
  • other resources

Provided you promote it correctly, sharing this targeted content will attract those people most likely to do business with you. Think of it like attracting insects to a flower.

Once visitors reach your website, you’ve got the perfect opportunity to persuade them to purchase your goods or services, or perhaps at least begin the process of building trust, which can later lead to a sale.

2. Stay in front

The idea of “top-of-mind marketing” has been around for a very long time. It’s probably more prevalent now, as we have the ability to connect with our prospects and current client base on a regular basis.

If nothing else, social media enables you to remain at the forefront of these people’s minds, so they remember you and your offer.

Even if your target audience doesn’t purchase anything from you, they’re still more likely to recommend you to anyone they know of enquiring about what you offer.

  • Build trust by being consistent with your content marketing and social media marketing.
  • Remain top-of-mind and the most likely of all your competitors to make the sale.

[Tweet “Build trust by being consistent with your content marketing and social media marketing.”]

3. Show longevity and reliability

You will hear most content marketing and social media marketing strategists say that consistency is of paramount importance.

Being consistent over time proves that you’re not there for short-term gains. You’re there to serve, over and over again.

  • Demonstrate that you’re an expert on your topic.
  • Put your followers first by delivering content suited to solving their problems.
  • Provide what they need and fulfil their desires.

[Tweet “Content + Time + Consistency + Value = Trust and Authority.”]

4. Keep your prospects engaged and engaged prospects buying

Keep the conversation going for long enough and when your prospects are looking to purchase, you’ll be well-suited to get the sale.

Of course, it doesn’t necessarily work every time, but if you do the things suggested above, you’ll be in the right position to capitalise on the conversation and turn a conversation into a conversion.

5. Make it easy for your message to spread

Even though you could probably run around your neighbourhood and business network telling people about the valuable content you have created, sharing it on social media and putting social share buttons on your website helps to get people to spread the word for you.

While social media has the capacity to amplify your message, you do still need to produce high quality content first, about your customers and the problems they face, their needs and desires.

6. Make real connections with real people

You don’t often have the opportunity to individually “tap” someone on the shoulder and say hello using modern communication methods. Although you can introduce yourself this way to the entire world, you may want to start by being selective.

  • Ensure every “tap” contains a significant amount of value, otherwise it’s unwanted (or worse yet, spam).

It could just be something like a simple compliment or maybe a link to something that would help them with their business. Just make sure it provides some form of real value.

Try sending a tweet to someone, saying something like:

[Tweet “Hey @penninkpro — your website rocks! Loved the new post about social media marketing!”]

It works. It really does. At least you’ll get noticed. Now you’re 100% more likely to earn some new business than if you didn’t tweet at all (and went unnoticed).


Social media marketing is as effective as the time, knowledge and resources you’re prepared to put into it.

It doesn’t need to be complicated.

  • Know your audience and make it your mission to serve them.

What if you don’t have an audience?

  • Strive to meet the needs of your existing and ideal clients and then watch how you attract more followers.
  • Be 100% selfless with your content and provide value at every turn. It will make people want to follow you.

What if you don’t have a mission yet?

  • Strive to meet the needs of your existing and ideal clients. There’s truly nothing simpler than that.

Jump in!

Originally published at PENNInk Productions.



PENNInk Productions
PENNInk Productions

We hold your hand, while building YOUR brand. Websites, Social Media, SEO - we're good at all of them and love what we do!