Legends build Legends up

What do you really want from your business?

Friendship, fitness and financial freedom — a conversation with entrepreneur Megan Fuller.

Penny AI


Megan Fuller smiling with her hands in her pockets.
Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

Megan Fuller was at the gym one day when her friend Christie Nix asked her what protein she was drinking. Megan, a personal trainer during the week and bartender on the weekends, gave these new protein shakes and various supplements a shot, adding them into her daily meal plans as part of her ongoing fitness regime, by the end of her first week she was hooked. It was then, that Christie suggested maybe Megan would like to sell them, so she could get a discount on her own orders.

“While the discount was enticing, what was more interesting was the job offer, Christie had built this amazing life. I’d only known her for a couple of months, but during that time I had seen the life she had created and the amazing women she was surrounded by. More than anything, I wanted that, I wanted a girl gang. Moving with the military means it’s difficult to make friends. While my husband is on active duty, I wanted a support system who would cheer me on. So, I said yes.”

Legends are made not born.

Megan, you’re at the beginning of your network marketing journey and Christie was paramount to bringing you into this industry. How did you both meet?

Before relocating to Georgia, I took a trip to scope out the area. I was in Lululemon of all places, talking to my friend who would move to Georgia later on and I mentioned that we were moving from Fort Leonard Wood, and my husband was an engineer in the military.

Christie popped up and introduced herself saying, she’d overheard us and that she had lived in Fort Leonard Wood and her husband was an engineer in the military too. We exchanged details and I started following her on Instagram, but I honestly didn’t expect to see her again. Then, when I moved, I was interviewing for a PT position and Christie bursts into the interview (there were glass windows into the room), saying “I know you!” It turns out I was interviewing at the gym she worked out at, since then, she’s been a great friend and an inspiration.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

That’s an amazing coincidence! Almost like fate. So, you’re a PT and a bartender and now you’ve added network marketing to your workload?

I feel so fortunate that my path crossed with Christie again, now not only is she my friend but a mentor too. My aim is to go full time with Isagenix (a health and wellness network marketing company) in the near future. I love health and fitness, I never stop learning and pushing myself, but it’s taken me a long time to know exactly what I wanted to do and more importantly what I wanted from a job.

I studied nursing at college but rapidly realized it wasn’t for me, so I swapped to a general degree and gained a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Organizational Communications. I knew I wanted to use my skills to help people improve their lives so I took a leadership course and combining the two together I decided to pursue personal training to become a Certified PT and Certified Nutrition Specialist through ACE.

I’m always looking for opportunities to learn more; just this summer I qualified as a Crossfit trainer. Now, choosing Isagenix as a full-time opportunity means I can combine all my interests and strengths into one career path.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

It sounds like whatever you do, you like to be fully prepared! How does Isagenix fit into this?

If I commit myself to something, I want to do it right! That’s why I always want to keep learning and training so I’m confident that the information I’m giving people is correct and will help them on their fitness journey. I’ve always cared about fitness but it’s amazing how many people want to lose weight without doing anything. Laughs. I give my clients workout plans and meal guides alongside coaching, but people sometimes want something that feels like an instant solution.

So marrying supplements with working out and meal guides works well and delivers faster, but more importantly consistent results for people. The PT industry is very crowded so combining all this…it helps me and my business stand out and gives my customers something extra.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

You mention this on your social platforms, about some areas being overcrowded?

Not just from an industry perspective though, moving to a new place, it’s difficult. It feels like everyone already has their place. Overcrowded in the sense that, when you’re feeling down, it can feel like there isn’t a place for you. You really have to put yourself out there to drum up new business, make new friends and create a new life. But, since joining Christie’s team and being a part of an online community I feel like I have my own girl gang wherever I go.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

Making friends is difficult in adulthood, it’s a massive conversation at the moment about how lonely it is when you move to a new place.

And without my husband, it is lonely. It’s just me, him, and our German Shepherd puppy, Loki Bear. But, fortunately, wherever I go, I take my home with me, and with Isagenix, now I can take my career with me too. It’s nice to have that semblance of normalcy and comfort when we move.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

And, am I right in saying you live in an RV so you truly can take your home with you?

Yes, my husband and I have been living in a 5th wheel camper for 18 months now. We had a house in Missouri we were renting out for some extra income but decided it wasn’t profitable enough to keep it; we sold it just this fall. We decided that with our lifestyle and moving around so much it would be easier to live in an RV. It also means that wherever we go we at least have our home with us.

When I looked at what I wanted from my life, the freedom to travel, adventure, financial freedom, supportive and inspirational friends. Mapping network marketing onto personal training has put me firmly on that path.

Megan Fuller lifting a tyre as part of her workout.
Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

As a personal trainer, I’m guessing the gym is like a second home for you as well?

Definitely, although I like working out outside as well. The gym, if you go to a good one, is an excellent place. It’s helped me grow my Isagenix business as well. In my previous gym, Christie helped me sponsor the owners and get them started on their Isagenix journey. It was a great fit for them to pair the supplements and business opportunity into their own gym. They are now part of my team working towards their financial freedom future!

It sounds like you put a lot of thought into pairing the supplements with the user?

Everyone’s fitness journey is unique so I want to ensure that their workout, meal plan and supplements are all working for them.

When I first started with Isagenix, I wanted to practice adding supplements in with the workout guides and meal plans, so before reaching out to my ‘real customers’, I practiced on my mom, sister and in-laws. They have been so supportive and excited to take on the challenge to get fit and healthy. It helped me build my confidence so I knew that the new package I was offering with Isagenix worked and would help people on their fitness journey.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

That’s great that you had the support of your family. The industry is faced with a lot of skepticism sometimes, have you faced that challenge?

It’s interesting to see how some people react. I’m not forcing anyone to buy my products and people joining me as customers or business partners… they all do it out of choice.

I always tell people to just be open. Open to the idea of transforming their health, open to the idea of network marketing, open to the idea of a different way of life.

My aspiration is to build people up and at the same time build myself up so I’m living a full life.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

Your motto is #LiveFuller?

A play on my surname, Fuller, but also the concept that we all want a full life. Full of energy, health, happiness, experiences. If I can be part of that story for people then I will help them.

I want a life full of adventure and as an Army wife who’s partnered with Isagenix, I get to meet lots of new people, travel and continue to work in the health and fitness industry helping people achieve their fitness goals. It’s a win win all around.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

Now, the question I ask everyone at the end… How are you using Penny to help achieve this?

Penny keeps me on track. I’ve been using the app since it was first introduced to Isagenix. I frontload my week reaching out to my customers and staying on top of any upcoming promotions etc., so a couple of hours Monday — Wednesday with Penny, and I can get everything done.

Penny tells me what to do, who to reach out to, who to scratch off my chicken list next. The biggest thing is accountability because until I actually take action, their name is still going to sit there on my daily task list.

The autoship functionality really helps me as well! Especially when I sign a new customer.

Thank you so much for speaking with me Megan and sharing your story. We wish you all the best for the future as you grow your business. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Every day I am figuring out how to make my business work for me and for others, learning a little bit more, becoming more consistent. When I decide I’m going to do something, I go all out to make it work. I’m very stubborn (in a good way) so I know one day I will see the results I want. I’m so grateful to the amazing, inspirational women like Christie who support me every day and help keep me motivated to achieve my goals. They are what makes my network marketing experience so special.

Credit: Instagram @meganfuller_fit

Megan is creating a new, fuller life with network marketing, it’s helping her find her tribe of inspirational, determined women and build a life and business that suits her lifestyle and supports her mentally, emotionally, financially and physically. If you’re running your own business and find that it’s suddenly taking over your free time — check out Penny, the AI-powered virtual assistant that helps you build and run a successful business through repeatable, scaleable, customer-centric sales processes.

Learn more about Megan Fuller: Website Instagram

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Penny AI

Sharing perspectives on direct selling from inspirational entrepreneurs.