Are Loneliness And Solitude The Same?

Preitkaur Sodhi
Penny Press
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2024
Photo by Rafael Garcin on Unsplash

The expectations I had and my futile attempts…

Having a group of friends is fun. You do many interesting things together. You create lots of memories together. Even in movies, you see a group of friends creating lovely memories together.
After all, you become happy and this moment never returns in life…

I also had the same belief a few years ago. I had very few friends but I craved having a large group of friends. I loved the idea of making plans every day with your group, planning coffees and trips.

But there's a saying,

“Life doesn’t give you what you want but gives you what you need”

I used to feel that I'd become happy once I was surrounded by a lot of friends. But things happened the exact opposite. The more you try to control things, the more they get out of control.

I tried to make new friends by focusing on creating a big friend circle. But the plans wouldn't work and hence many friendships didn't last.

I was shattered. I became very lonely. I always avoided it but soon started to accept that I was an unlucky person. I cannot make friends.

How things turned around…

My days would go empty, nothing special. I wanted to get rid of my void. Soon I surfed the internet to fill that void. I watched many book explanations, and TED talks and started doodling and journaling. The results surprised me. I became more self-aware. I realized trying new things, reading new books, learning different skills, and on top of all, understanding myself. Those things liberated me.

My life explained to me my importance in the best way possible. I look back and realize I wouldn't be happier if things worked as I wanted. I realized having few people in your life is peaceful.

I wouldn't have been working on becoming a better version of myself.

My loneliness changed into solitude.

Fear stops scaring you when you face it. Now loneliness doesn’t scare me anymore. I feel contented in solitude.

Both the terms mean to be with yourself. Both are just different perspectives to it.

Either you are not bothered by being alone or you don't know yourself.

Loneliness is a voice that tells the bond you lack with yourself. Solitude helps you to fix the bond with yourself.

Final thoughts

You don’t need a lot of people around you to become happy. You just need to become self-aware and life uncovers the beautiful side of your life.

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Preitkaur Sodhi
Penny Press

I talk about life experiences, self-improvement and different perspectives to see life.