Arrival of Summer

A Poem

Sahil kumar..
Penny Press
1 min readApr 8, 2024


Image by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

The air is heavier today with a warmth that envelops like an embrace.
Winds have changed their path and the birds are following its way.
Perhaps it’s the arrival of summer

At night the sound of cicadas fills the air.
Their chorus, a reminder of my vernal past
When life used to drift without a care
For so long, their song lay dormant in my memory.
Until its echo stirred again, and
I found myself lost in its reverie.
There’s a certain charm in that solitude
when moments slip between my fingers, and I am fully aware of its passing.
How I cherish each little moment to an eternity
Knowing this time will never come back.
There’s a yearning to create something more out of life
and make it count
There’s yearning in the summer.

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Sahil kumar..
Penny Press

Sharing my passion for art though poetry and stories..