Don’t Get Discouraged Just Yet

Vonche Ogburn
Penny Press
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Visual representation

The beauty and horror of life is, we don’t know what is coming next.

I’m sure you can look back on your life and replay many moments in your life when things went wrong. I’m sure you can also replay moments in your life when you THOUGHT things would go wrong but everything turned out great.

That Is the gamble of life…

Often times uncertainty can cause us to cower away from taking the journey.

Because we are afraid that we will fail, or we begin to believe that good things can’t happen.

But I want to challenge your thinking…

What happens when you embrace the uncertainty? What happens when you accept the unknown and step into it anyway? While things can go bad …they also have the ability to go great!

You ever heard the saying

Life is what you make it”

In every experience there is a lesson to learn that propels us. For example touching a hot stove, and because you’ve felt the Pain of touching a hot stove you’ve learned how to avoid it.

The same happens in life. Sometimes you get burned and it hurts, but we learn lessons that help us from repeating the same mistakes. Now that doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect . You may still burn yourself from time to time.

But should that stop you from cooking?

I wrote this as a reminder to embrace the uncertainty, embrace the unknown. Because the life you desire could be on the other side of the very thing you are afraid of.


DO IT ! You can do it ! Don’t be afraid to fail

Remember this acronym


First. Attempt. In. Learning.

You got this ❤

Believe in your ability to learn and grow

♡ Peace and love 🙏🏽

  • Vonchè

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Vonche Ogburn
Penny Press

Sharing peices of me with you , to help inspire and empathize with this human experience ❤️