Housewives Are More Intelligent Than This Society Considers

Nutan Poonia
Penny Press
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Documerica on Unsplash

Before writing on Medium, I used to write on Quora.

There, I published a lot of posts about everything. Two posts gained readership and comment more than my other posts. It happened because the posts were written by a housewife who is living in a village. I will discuss it here.

The first post was about how I invest money and save money. I mentioned a strategy in the stock market that I use very frequently called ‘Dip Trading’. This strategy made me quite a lot of money, and I described it thoroughly in the post to help others.

The second post was about my hobbies which include reading, driving, and watching Netflix. Reading is my passion and I have been reading for more than a decade. I recently started driving more often just when my kid started going to school.

What shocked me was the reaction of my Indian audience. I was not expecting such reactions. People are not ready to accept the fact that housewives have a life outside of taking care of the house and their kids and husbands. They love doing other things too. In this digital age, they know how to make money staying at home.

People were commenting about my driving and reading. They were asking if I get the time to do such things. They were more shocked about my knowledge in stock market. It was difficult for them to digest that a fragile housewife can take such calculated risks to make money.

I will say, that the fault of looking at housewives as the only caretakers of home and family is the stereotype that this society has created. They have a notion that housewives can only do routine chores related to home and family. The society does not allow any other job for the housewives. However, it is giving more names to the term ‘housewife’, such as ‘homemaker’.

We have a quote in my native language about the housewife, “a housewife if wants, can destroy a home even with a needle.” Such is the power of a housewife, still, she chooses to take care of everything. I give a lot of financial suggestions to my family, and everyone listens and applies whenever possible. It is not only me — y mother and my grandmother were always good at managing financial things in their homes. Both of them are better than their respective spouses.

I believe this society should start taking the knowledge of housewives more seriously.

I like this article about housewives written by April J Harris.

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Nutan Poonia
Penny Press

Writes about culture, experience, life and much more . Read about everything. Lives in rural India.