How To Finish Writing Your Novel

Renee Fesser
Penny Press
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2022
image by author

As I write this, I am procrastinating writing my book. We writers know all the tricks and all the deals we make with ourselves and others to get in our own way preventing us from completing that very thing that makes us tick.

Sounds complicated, doesn’t it?

How can one who is struggling to write offer advice?

Who better than one who has lived experience. The recommendations in this article are all trialed and tested. I have and will continue to use and explore ways to make the whole experience an incredible one.

May this simple guide be of benefit.

Schedule in your work as well as your downtime. My suggestion is to schedule in plenty of downtime including walks, excursions, and dinners solo.

Clean your environment followed by work in which you will spread out your book across the living room floor. The cat or dog will get in on this of course. You need humor in this process. Sticky notes the large ones are another great tool to map this book.

Soothe the senses and get teas, incense, and aromas to fill your writing space.

Purchase plenty of greens and flowers. We need beautiful objects to take breaks and gaze at. A five- or ten-minute break gazing will help restore.

Watch movies and read books. This might sound like you are taking a break from writing and you are. You are also filling up the creative cup. Creative work requires plenty of play and downtime.

Go to art galleries and museums. Outings help us get out of our head for a while and helps reset and restore.

Get dressed for the part. Prepare and get looking good, imagine your book talk and feel the creative process in motion.

Order in plenty of take out and eat in. This can be healthy. If you detest take out, then prepping and preparing meals in advance is critical. During this time be gentle with yourself. Buying precut veggies and easy prep options are a lifesaver. Writing a novel is like preparing for a baby. The book is your baby, and the process is a delivery. Creative birthing is hard.

Hire a service to make life easier. A cleaning lady, handyperson or yard care help if this is in your budget. If hiring isn’t in your budget, then trade a service with a friend or get a family member to help out. This is critical because our brains find every excuse to do other tasks when we are working on a big project. This is simply human nature and not a personal character flaw.

Listen to music and get out and move while you listen. Movement is a lifesaver and gets the creative juices flowing.

Finally meditate.

Yes, meditate on how you will feel once you have achieved this goal and believe the process is already in motion. The words will flow. Let them flow without judgement. Writers are conduits. Writing is magic and so are you!

Here are some Metaphors:

Writing sometimes feels like you are alone on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Let yourself come back to shore to rest and return when you are replenished.

Writing a novel is like running a marathon. You need to train for writing a book and before you embark get small writing projects under your belt. If you are able schedule a writing retreat or weekends away. Get out and into a calm serene environment.

Let yourself feel it all and let go!

Surrender to the experience.

Happy writing my writer friends.



Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

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Renee Fesser
Penny Press

Renee is a writer, poet and creative soul who loves to write as much as she loves to read.