God and Guns

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Penny Press
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2 min read23 hours ago

I never thought it would happen but after 55 years I caved in and became institutionalized. My Father would have been so proud.

Among other valued occupations, I am a legacy trained Montessori Teacher, from the AMI Institute in Perugia Italy. Even though I haven’t kept my certification up, I get it. I know Montessori and figured going back in would be an easy gig after a 15-year teaching break. So I signed up at a local Church Day Care in 2019.

I needed “easy” after taking care of my father and losing him during the pandemic. So, I got a floater position, wore a facemask, enjoyed the children and pretended I didn’t work there for two years. After my third year I figured out how to love my job. My new co-teacher and I connected right away. If we couldn’t already read each other’s minds, we had a great time observing and nailing stuff down out loud together. Like “Why is he so chilled out when he is outside?” or “Yes great idea. Who is doing it?” And I got to do anything I wanted. I forced my playlist on everyone, I did lesson planning, lesson making, art, music, dancing exercise. Freedom, connection, expression.

But “Everybody’s Got to Serve Somebody” Who was that, Bob Dylan?
Anyway, I was serving God for my paycheck. And under the eyes of God, I heard, saw, and said things.

I heard our director brag at an Inservice that she carried a loaded gun in her purse in August of 2023.

I saw a gun in her open purse next to where I clocked in on July 11th, 2024.

I said to the Child Protection Service caseworker “I saw a gun in an open purse at work.” when I reported the gun on my lunch break that day.

I saw the caseworker the next day acting like she was there for a routine investigation of the school.

I heard the director and pastor say I was laid off for budget cuts and low enrollment.

Why didn’t I say what I was thinking like “Oh shit you are laying me off? I thought this was about the gun.”

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Penny Press

Nostalgic townie with freeway phobia and a dream to escape the three mile radius of her domain.