Start Accomplishing Your Goals

Vonche Ogburn
Penny Press
Published in
2 min read12 hours ago

The words that we use is powerful.

We are creators. We have the capability to do anything we truly set our minds to.

With intention ✨️

Sometimes we don’t see the results because our actions don’t align with our words.

We want to save money yet our actions say otherwise.

Try this instead:


A clear declaration of something.

Start with implementing

I WILL__________

What will you do?

Hear the difference?

I’ll try to save $10 dollars a check.


I will save $10s a check.

You will be more inclined to follow through.

Now back your words with action.

Follow through with no excuses.

And see yourself accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.

Don’t get stuck in your own self destruction loop.

“ Be impeccable with your word” — The four agreements.

Meaning do what you said you would do.

Imagine some one telling you that they will do something for you … but don’t.

That doesn’t feel to Great does it?

Yet we do it to ourselves so often.

Keep your word with yourself.

See the changes begin to take place in your life.

Vonche Ogburn is a Mental health advocate and Professional Life Coach. Her goal is to help people achieve their personal goals with a realistic approach. You can find more of her writing Vonche Ogburn

And follow her lifestyle page on Instagram @voncheisrandom

Thank you for reading ❤

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Vonche Ogburn
Penny Press

Sharing peices of me with you , to help inspire and empathize with this human experience ❤️