The 10 Remedies That Support Mental Health

Rev. Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Penny Press
Published in
6 min readMay 17, 2023
Photo by Laura Olsen on Unsplash

Homeopathy as a very big part of my practice. It's a 1000-year-old medicine that uses the concept of ‘like cures like’.

Homeopathy has been demonstrated to help treat mental and emotional issues such as stress, depression, and worry. Homeopathic remedies are typically regarded as safe and have few adverse effects.

The concepts of homeopathy include the law of similars, which indicates that a chemical that produces symptoms in a healthy person may alleviate those symptoms in a sick person. The law of infinitesimals asserts that the more a chemical is diluted, the more effective it becomes since it eliminates toxic components while keeping therapeutic ones (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health).

The rule of succession argues that the treatment most closely fits the patient’s symptoms is more likely to succeed. At the same time, the law of minimal dosage indicates that the lowest appropriate amount of the remedy should be utilized. This blog aims to explore ten different types of homeopathic remedies that can help support mental health.

Arnica Montana is worth a try if you’re seeking a natural treatment for shock and injuries. This homeopathic medicine is made from a plant used for generations to treat diseases, including bruises, sprains, and discomfort.

When used topically, Arnica Montana is claimed to relieve pain and swelling by boosting blood flow to the afflicted region. This may assist in promoting the repair of injured tissues and decrease inflammation. If used internally, Arnica Montana can also make you relax, helping reduce emotional pain by lowering worry and tension. It’s essential to keep in mind that before trying any new therapy, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking other medications, you should always consult with your doctor.

Arnica Montana has been used for centuries in the homeopathic medicine system for treating 66 pathological conditions, frequent contusions, wounds, rheumatism, and inflammation.

From: Management of High Altitude Pathophysiology, 2018

If you are experiencing some difficulties with anxiety or anticipatory stress, it might be worth considering the use of gelsemium. This homeopathic remedy has shown the potential to relieve symptoms related to anxiety and the sense of apprehension that often accompanies it.

The mechanism through which gelsemium is thought to function is to calm the nervous system and lessen the mental and physiological signs of worry, such as shaking, sweating, and heart palpitations. The mechanism by which this cure is believed to function is by reducing the sympathetic nervous system’s activity, which may lead to emotions of tension and concern. You may be able to enhance tranquility and relaxation and lessen your feelings of anxiety by utilizing gelsemium.

In traditional Materia Medica, Gelsemium sempervirens (G. sempervirens) is described as a remedy for a variety of anxiety-like psychological and behavioral symptoms (Boericke 1927 1987 ; Guermonprez 2006 ); however, consistent evidence of its efficacy is lacking.

If you experience mental fatigue, concentration difficulties, or memory loss, Kali phosphoricum may be a proper homeopathic remedy. This treatment is made from potassium phosphate and replenishes the body’s mineral balance, particularly potassium, and phosphorus.

Homeopathic practitioners say Kali phosphoricum might help ease psychological and physical weariness and enhance memory and focus. This cure is also regarded to be effective in eliminating brain fog or disorientation, particularly during stress or after a lengthy illness. By restoring the balance of essential minerals in your body, Kali phosphoricum may help enhance your brain function and general well-being.

The homeopathic remedy Natrum Muriaticum, often known as Nat Mur, may be beneficial for emotional recovery if you are going through a lot of sorrow or loss. This treatment uses sodium chloride, crucial for maintaining the body’s fluid equilibrium. Nat Mur is often advised for those who have gone through significant losses or upheavals and may feel emotionally stuck or prefer to bury their emotions.

It is thought that Natrum Muriaticum works by treating the underlying emotional reasons for symptoms like melancholy and hopelessness. It could assist people in processing their feelings and grieving healthily and constructively.

Ignatia Amara may be a homeopathic medication that might assist if you have emotional or psychological symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, or sadness. The medicine is prepared from the seeds of the Ignatia tree, which grows in the Philippines.

It is claimed that Ignatia Amara may help restore balance to your mental and emotional condition by boosting your body’s natural healing capabilities. This medication works by having an influence your neurological system and the release of neurotransmitters that are crucial for influencing mood and emotions, including dopamine and serotonin.

Pulsatilla may be a proper homeopathic treatment for you if you have mood swings brought on by hormonal changes such as PMS or menopause or if you tend to get quickly overcome by emotions and weep easily.

It is thought to control mood swings and hormone levels in the body by regulating hormone levels, especially those of progesterone and estrogen, which may vary and cause them. It is derived from the windflower plant.

  • Dissolve the pellets under the tongue. Do not swallow them.
  • Take Pulsatilla on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before or after meals.
  • If you are taking other medications, take Pulsatilla at least 1 hour before or after your other medications.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before taking Pulsatilla.

Lycopodium is a homeopathic remedy often used to treat emotional symptoms, including low self-esteem and lack of confidence. People who experience these symptoms often feel insecure, doubt their abilities, and may avoid situations where they think they could fail or be judged negatively.

Lycopodium works by restoring balance to your body’s natural systems, particularly the hormonal and nervous systems. It is thought to help regulate the levels of hormones such as testosterone and cortisol, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem.

  • Dissolve the pellets under the tongue. Do not swallow them.
  • Take Lycopodium clavatum on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before or after meals.
  • If you are taking other medications, take Lycopodium clavatum at least 1 hour before or after your other medications.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before taking Lycopodium clavatum.

You may wish to consider using Phosphorus as a homeopathic treatment if you are experiencing anxiety, melancholy, restlessness, or digestive issues. Phosphorus, made from phosphorus, is intended to bring the body’s natural systems, particularly the nervous system, back into balance.

It might help with concentration, motivation, and mood by regulating the amounts of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine. Phosphorus may also be beneficial for those who struggle with focus and restlessness.

Dosage and administration

If you’re feeling emotionally exhausted and have lost your sense of joy and pleasure, Sepia could be the perfect homeopathic treatment for you. Sepia, a substance made from cuttlefish ink, is often used to cure ailments including anxiety, fatigue, and stomach issues.

It works by bringing the body’s hormones and emotions into balance, which may lead to an uptick in energy levels, enhanced libido, and a better disposition. Sepia may also aid with digestion and improve the quality of sleep.

Homeopathic remedies offer a natural and non-toxic approach to mental health with homeopathy care, with personalized treatments tailored to each individual’s specific symptoms and needs.

They can address various mental health concerns, promote holistic well-being, and work with the body’s natural healing processes. Overall, homeopathic remedies for mental health can provide safe and effective Mental and physical relief treatment options for individuals seeking a natural approach to care.

Discussing any mental or emotional concerns with a professional homeopath is essential because they can help you determine the best treatment for your needs.

Homeopaths are trained to assess the whole person’s physical, emotional, and mental health, and they can then recommend a specific remedy or remedies tailored to your needs.

Resources for finding a qualified homeopath

There are a few methods for locating a licensed homeopath. You can look online for homeopaths in your region, ask your doctor or another healthcare practitioner for a recommendation, or get in touch with the National Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (NAHP) for a list of accredited homeopathic pharmacies. These pharmacies might suggest an experienced homeopath near you.

Originally published at on May 17, 2023.



Rev. Dr. Antonika Chanel DACM LA.c
Penny Press

Dr. Antonika Chanel: Quantum healer restoring physical and mental well-being through lectures at sea. Visit for more information.