The True Ending of Humpty Dumpty

Penny McKinney
Penny Press
Published in
May 14, 2022


Credit — cartbeforethehorse@etsy

Humpty Dumpty Sat On a Wall

Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall

All The King’s Horse’s and All The King’s Men

Couldn’t Put Humpty Dumpty Together Again

Humpty Dumpty learned He Could Depend Only On Himself

He Learned He Did Not Belong Up High On A Shelf

He Stretched And Pulled And Doctored Himself Together

And Through This Process It Was Only He, That He Could Depend on Forever

Credit — original poem by Lewis Carroll

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Penny McKinney
Penny Press

Certified Professional Groomer Specializing in the Nervous Dog and Owner. you tube channel " Dog Fanatic"