What Makes an Individual Unique?

The Complexity of perception and identity

Sahil kumar..
Penny Press
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Image by Waleed Khalid from Pixabay

Why do we perceive others as distinct individuals? What makes anyone who they are? A person’s identity is a complex tapestry woven from various threads: their unpredictable feelings, borrowed thoughts, evolving dreams, and intrinsic connections to the people and things around them. These elements combine to create a unique and ever-changing mosaic. Feelings are a significant part of what makes each person unique. Emotions can be unpredictable, leading to moments of joy, sorrow, excitement, and despair. These emotional experiences shape our perceptions and interactions with the world. They make us miserable at times, but they also define our most profound and meaningful moments.

Our thoughts are often borrowed from others. We absorb ideas from books, conversations, and experiences, which blend with our original thoughts to form our worldview. This amalgamation of borrowed and original ideas shapes our identity and influences our actions. Despite this, we tend to believe our thoughts are unique, setting us apart from others.

Our Dreams and Aspirations are the same?

Dreams are another critical component of identity. They reflect our hopes, ambitions, and desires, constantly evolving as we grow and change. While one person may dream of success in a career, another may seek fulfillment in personal relationships. These dreams guide our actions and decisions, giving our lives direction and purpose.

Our connections to the people and things around us also play a crucial role in shaping who we are. Relationships with family, friends, and even places can have a profound impact on our identity. These connections ground us, providing support and influencing our behavior and choices.

What makes one person happy can cause another to despair. This variability is a fundamental aspect of human experience. While it is clear that not everyone is the same, a perplexing question arises: why do so many people pretend they are unique individuals capable of generating ideas necessary for the betterment of others? They desire what everyone else desires — happiness, love, success — but they see themselves as separate beings, distinct from the crowd they observe.

And Who we are as individuals?

This raises a profound question about the nature of individuality. Could it be that all our thoughts come from the same sea of nothingness? Imagine a graveyard of words, where each person picks and chooses words that suit their desires and goals. Some choose words with the intent to make others laugh, seeking the joy of shared mirth. Some express their yearning for love, using words to build bridges of connection. Others provide information, arranging unaccounted words into coherent structures that convey meaning.

Through art, some express their gratitude toward life, while musicians lose themselves in the rhythm of carefully crafted notes and lines. Yet, there are moments when our carefully constructed identities dissolve. In moments of introspection or profound connection with others, we glimpse the shared humanity that underlies our individual stories. These moments transcend the boundaries of ego and reveal a deeper, universal longing — for love, meaning, and connection — that unites us all.

In the end, our perception of ourselves as unique individuals navigating through life is both a testament to our autonomy and a reflection of our shared humanity. It is a balance between asserting our individuality and recognizing our interconnectedness.

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Sahil kumar..
Penny Press

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