Helping 99 startups win global innovation awards

Jonathan Moore
Pentaflow (formerly PowerPT)


Not all awards are created equal. But winning a major global award is priceless for any business. They can be used to benchmark against competitors, provide inexpensive PR for sales leads, and even improve employee morale. Most importantly, awards can increase a company’s credibility. This is especially crucial for startups. Like a stamp of approval, major awards can validate a product to customers, journalists, and investors.

Last year, PowerPT helped 33 startups apply for some of the world’s most prestigious innovation awards. Due to our high success rate, this summer PowerPT was asked to work with 99 startups — 3x more. We’ll tell you about our winning formula. But first, let’s introduce the awards.

CES Innovation Awards

CES is a major tech event in Las Vegas with companies introducing their newest, most innovative products every year. Receiving a CES Innovation Award is a big deal — that’s why even Fortune 500 companies apply. Last year, PowerPT consulted 30 startups, and 12 teams won. Maybe that’s why some of Korea’s largest support organizations like KOTRA, KITA, and GCCEI all chose PowerPT again to help their startups. This year, we worked with 60 startups — twice as many. So naturally, we expect great results when the results are announced!

Edison Awards

CES may be more well-known, but the Edison Awards are the most prestigious in innovation. Named after Thomas Edison, this award recognizes the world’s top innovative products and leaders. Winners include leaders like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, and products from major conglomerates like General Electric, IBM, and P&G. Last year, PowerPT worked with just three startups — and all three won. This year, we were asked to work with 39 startups. Can we repeat last year’s 100% success rate?

Our winning formula

Winning such high-profile awards isn’t easy. That’s why startups need support from experts.

In addition to developing world-class innovations, companies must work on their messaging, create effective demo videos, and submit multiple captivating essays as part of a long and difficult application.

But this is one of PowerPT’s specialties. Our team is unparalleled in helping startups achieve global success. All of our startup consultants are entrepreneurs themselves, and excel in marketing products. In fact, our research shows that working with PowerPT improves a startup’s chances of winning a major award by up to 600%. Get in touch with our team to learn more at innovations (at)



Jonathan Moore
Pentaflow (formerly PowerPT)

Accelerating Korean startups with global aspirations. Entrepreneur, marketer, MBA grad, tech enthusiast, traveler, scuba diver. Korea resident since 2006.