K-Startups in Silicon Valley

Heejae Jeong
Pentaflow (formerly PowerPT)
5 min readAug 8, 2022

It is exciting to take your business to a new market, especially when it’s known for being the most bustling startup scene in the world.

Earlier this year, eight leading Korean startups in the “Industry 4.0” sector pitched at Podium Star, Korea’s #1 pitch event that matches startups with investors. The top three winners were invited to Hero Training at Draper University, an accelerator program aimed at international startup founders.

The three Podium Star winners who joined were Abhishek Srivastava,Co-founder of Teknobuilt, Daeun Lee, Senior Manager at Gentle Energy, and Philip Man, CEO of Port.

From left: Abhishek Srivastava (Co-founder, Teknobuilt), Daeun Lee (Senior Associate, Gentle Energy Corp), Philip Man (CEO, Port)

As Innovation Manager at PowerPT, I took a trip to Silicon Valley to learn about our participants’ experience and make sure they were enjoying their time at Draper University. Here’s a short interview from the participants about how they felt about the program!

Interview with Abhi, co-founder of Teknobuilt

1. How is this accelerator program different from others you’ve participated in?

It is more immersive than other programs. Also, a major benefit is access to more mature companies that have followed similar paths for relevant advice.

2. What were the benefits/interesting parts of the program?

Lots of feedback from entrepreneurs and investors regarding our pitch and messaging. Introductions to the VC community and insights into their approach.

3. What advice would you give to startups interested in this program?

Just show up — you will surely benefit!

Abhi emphasized the valuable network you can make at Draper University — not just the VC community, but also advice from founders who have gone through similar paths.

Interview with Daeun, Senior Associate at Gentle Energy Corp

1. How is this accelerator program different from others you’ve participated in?

Actually, this is my first time participating in an accelerator program. I think this program makes me think about what to do step by step during the startup process. It was good to know what existing graduates actually experienced after graduation. It was very motivating!

2. What were the benefits/interesting parts of the program?

It was refreshing to find investors who show interest in startups by contacting them directly on social media, like LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter. Also, the program has created an amazing culture of like-minded people who enjoy exchanging information and ideas.

3. What advice would you give to startups interested in this program?

I highly recommend this program to startups interested in learning about investment strategies. We learned about the fundamentals of building a strong business, how to create an effective pitch deck, and how to build a business model that works. Also, prepare yourself for the energy at Draper University, because everyone is very enthusiastic!

Daeun mainly focused on the culture in Silicon Valley as everyone is eager to connect, exchange information, and grow together. As an alumna of Draper University, I also found the culture much more active than what I’ve experienced in Korea. If you are interested in the program, it is important to be ready to work hard, have fun and be confident.

Interview with Philip, CEO of Port

1. How is this accelerator program different from others you’ve participated in?

This program is much more about the group, the community, and the individual founders than it is about the startups. That’s why it’s called called Hero Training, because it’s about training you as a founder. And because of that, it focuses a lot on leadership skills and networking. We went for a 4-day military style camp in the hills of Northern California without our phones. We had a session with guru Sri Sri Ravi, who talked about mental health and led a meditation session with us. I mean, what accelerator program does that?!

2. What were the benefits/interesting parts of the program?

It’s a great opportunity to be in Silicon Valley and really feel the pulse on what’s going on in the global epicenter of startups. The quality of speakers and VCs they invited to come talk to us and answer our questions was amazing. Speakers included major VCs, like Andreessen Horowitz, the founder of StreamLabs, Netflix, and many more.

3. What advice would you give to startups interested in this program?

Definitely come if you are able to. Get yourself exposed to what’s going on in the Valley. Feel the energy, network with other founders and VCs. Be part of the Draper community. It’s truly a unique experience.

Philip emphasized the networking value at Draper University and the advantage of being in Silicon Valley. He highlighted the quality of speakers as well as connections to founders and VCs around the world.

A journey for you and your startup

According to our three Podium Star winners, Draper University is a great opportunity to widen your network of founders, VCs and industry experts. Draper University is unique because it is not only a journey for your startup, but also a journey for yourself, as a founder.

For me, personally, as a participant of Hero Training Summer 2021, I found the program to be eye-opening, because it was not just about listening to sessions and applying theories into practice at a desk. A big part of it was the hands-on experience of going into the wild, learning about teamwork, strengthening accountability, implementing negotiation and sales skills, and building an awesome MVP. It’s an opportunity to develop true entrepreneurship. I wanted Korean startups to experience what I had seen and learned, which is why we partnered with Draper University.

If this story motivates you to be in Silicon Valley next year, stay tuned to Podium Star news, as we have more events coming up this year. Podium Star winners will continually be invited to Hero Training at Draper University — and maybe that could be you! :)

