Beyond Crypto: Real-World Applications of Blockchain Tokenization You Need to Know

Mohamed DW
Pentas NFT Marketplace
3 min readFeb 29, 2024
Beyond Crypto: Real-World Applications of Blockchain Tokenization You Need to Know [Image retrieved from Google Image]

Imagine a world where your grandfather clock, a coveted piece of family history, could be securely divided amongst your siblings, each owning a digital “slice” of its value. Or, picture a rare painting, currently locked away in a vault, being accessible to a global pool of investors through tiny digital shares. This, my friends, is the potential of tokenization on the blockchain.

But before we dive into its mind-bending possibilities, let’s break down the basics. Tokenization, fundamentally, is the process of converting an asset’s ownership rights into digital tokens. These tokens, essentially little digital certificates, reside on a blockchain, a secure, distributed ledger.

Think of it like this: traditionally, owning an asset meant having a physical deed or certificate. Tokenization takes that ownership and translates it into the digital realm, with each token representing a fraction of the entire asset.

Now, the beauty of this lies in its versatility. We’re not just talking about fancy art or heirlooms. Anything of value can be tokenized, be it:

  • Tangible assets: Real estate (estimated global market size of $326 trillion by 2025, according to Statista), diamonds, even that antique clock!
  • Intangible assets: Intellectual property, voting rights in a company, even the value of your online reputation!

So, where does the blockchain come into play? This secure network acts as the ultimate record-keeper, ensuring the transparency and immutability of ownership. Every transaction involving a token is publicly visible, eliminating the risk of fraud or manipulation.

Now, let’s explore some real-world use cases to truly grasp the power of tokenization:

  • Fractional ownership: Imagine owning a piece of a multi-million dollar Picasso without breaking the bank! Tokenization allows for such fractional ownership, making expensive assets accessible to a broader investor pool. A recent example is the tokenization of a $13.1 million Basquiat painting by Masterworks, allowing investors to purchase fractions of the ownership.
  • Enhanced liquidity: Traditionally, selling off parts of illiquid assets like real estate could be a cumbersome process. Tokenization unlocks greater liquidity, allowing for easier and faster transactions. A 2023 report by Deloitte, estimates that tokenization of real estate could unlock $1.6 trillion of additional liquidity in the US alone.
  • Streamlined fundraising: Startups and businesses can leverage tokenization to raise capital by issuing their own tokens, representing ownership or future profits. In 2022, Filecoin, raised $205 million through an initial coin offering (ICO), utilising tokenization for fundraising.
  • Revolutionising supply chains: Tracking the movement of goods throughout complex supply chains becomes far more efficient with tokenized assets, ensuring transparency and reducing the risk of counterfeiting. A 2022 study by PwC, found that 86% of executives believe tokenization can significantly improve supply chain transparency.

The potential applications of tokenization are truly limitless, spanning across industries like finance, art, healthcare, and even voting systems. As technology evolves, we can expect even more innovative use cases to emerge, fundamentally changing the way we interact with and manage assets.

However, it’s important to remember that tokenization is still a nascent technology. Regulatory frameworks are still evolving, and there are challenges regarding valuation and security to consider. Nonetheless, the potential for disruption and positive change is undeniable.

So, the next time you hear the term “tokenization,” remember, that it’s not just a buzzword. It’s a revolutionary concept with the power to unlock a world of new possibilities, from democratising asset ownership to streamlining global transactions.



Mohamed DW
Pentas NFT Marketplace

General Knowledge | Blockchain | NFT | Web 3 | Random Stuff | Rational Optimist