Interview with Ryan Montgomery aka 0day

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2023

Tell me a bit more about yourself?

My name is Ryan Montgomery, also known in the cybersecurity world as 0day. I’ve been captivated by the world of computers and cybersecurity since I was a young kid, and that passion has only grown over time.

I have spent most of my life in this field. My journey into cybersecurity began with self-learning, long before the educational platform “boom.”

How Did You Come Across PentesterLab PRO?

I was recommended to try out PentesterLab by a bug hunter named Naffy, and it turned out to be a game-changer for me. The platform offers a deep understanding of web vulnerabilities and more, going beyond mere exploitation.

I loved it so much that I completed all the badges they offer. It’s one of the first resources I recommend when someone asks where to start.

What Have Been Your Favorite Exercises So Far?

PentesterLab has a wealth of JWT (JSON Web Tokens) exercises that have allowed me to understand not just how to exploit vulnerabilities but also why those vulnerabilities exist in the first place.

Do You Do Bug Bounty? And If Yes, Did PentesterLab Help You?

I do participate in bug bounty programs to some extent, but my primary focus has been on starting PentesterLab has been incredibly helpful in enhancing my skill set and has inspired me to be more creative.

What Exercises/Areas Do You Think PentesterLab Should Cover in the Future?

I would love to see more mobile-related exercises, especially focused on iOS. While there is a badge dedicated to Android, which is great, being well-rounded in both platforms would add value. Additionally, I’d appreciate exercises related to browser extension exploitation.

Where Did All This Lead You?

I was so inspired by my learning journey with PentesterLab that I went on to start my own cybersecurity company, Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional in cybersecurity, there’s always something new to learn, and platforms like PentesterLab make that learning both accessible and engaging.

Where Can People Follow Your Progress?

You can follow me on Instagram at @0day or connect with me on Twitter: @0dayCTF




PentesterLab provides online exercises to learn web penetration testing. You can learn more about PentesterLab by visiting