How I passed my C|EH Practical and how you can too ?

Srijan Adk
PenTester Nepal
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2022
C|EH Badge from EC-Council

The story begins when one of my friend tells me about scholarship from EC-Council for the CEH exam. I thought why not to give it a try and I filled and submitted the form for the scholarship and to my surprise my form was accepted and I was awarded with scholarship and I could give the exam just for 99$.

At this point of time, I was already an eJPT and had some prior experience playing CTF’s and solving boxes on TryHackMe and HackTheBox platform.
So, without any kind of delay I registered for exam on first week of January but all the slots for giving exam were already packed so I choose 27th of January which was earliest I could get.

Then at that point of time, I was left with more than 20 days for exam to arrive. So, at that time I started reading writeups on medium and other blogs about the C|EH exam and started practicing on TryHackMe. I mainly focused on using tools as TryHackMe have some dedicated labs on helping you get good understanding about tools such as Nmap, Hydra, Metasploit etc. I completed all those labs and time passed by.

Now, coming to the exam day. I was confident about giving the exam. The exam started at 3:15 pm. The proctor got connected to my machine and unlocked the exam environment. The exam should be given by turning on your mic and webcam for complete duration and you would only get 15 minutes of break in time span of 6 hours. Then I started giving exam and in 5 hours I completed it and submitted it. And, instantly after submitting the exam I got my results and yeah, I was Certified Ethical Hacker, now.

Some tips and resources to help you pass your C|EH exam :

  1. Brush up your skills on tools such as Nmap, Hydra, sqlmap, wpscan, owasp zap and wireshark. Also focus on tools on windows such as Veracrypt, Snow and HashCalculator.
  2. Do some labs on TryHackMe before giving exam as it will help you test your skills.
  3. Get stable internet connection on the day of exam.
  4. Read the question properly and understand it before blindly running tools on the target.
  5. This Github repo can be of great help for getting more tips, reviews and guide on C|EH practical. Do check it out :

If you wanna reach out to me :
Twitter : @SrijanAdk | Instagram : @SrijanAdk

Thanks & have a great day ahead !
Also, Best of luck for your C|EH .

