Geek Is Better

Nadia Q.
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2016

I referred to a colleague in my office as a nerd and he blatantly objected to it. Apparently they would prefer to be called ‘geeks’ rather than ‘nerds’ as the latter was outdated and meant the person in question was “socially awkward, unstylish and boring”.

However, I checked the dictionary and both words were basically synonymous, *side eye* but i guess ‘geek is better’.

Following that, i succumbed to my curiosity to ask the geniuses at Pentiumtech Limited what ran through their minds. Albeit there were multiple pending codes to be written, they hesitantly tore their eyes away from their multiple screens to answer a few questions.

Here are a few, brief answers I received as per their twitter handles;

Q: What do you do at Pentiumtech Limited?

@Kiko_Reborn: Lead hybrid mobile developer.

@the_joistiq: I make magic happen. Some call it web development. ̄ \_(ツ)_/ ̄

@pipeur10: Web and mobile app development

@theRealBra_Zee: Lead web developer

Q: What inspired you to be a developer?

Kiko: I’ve always had a thing for creating stuff from scratch.

Joistiq: No idea. It just happened I guess. I’ve been around computers all my life so it was bound to happen

Pipeur: I discovered computer very late in my life, but I first touched a computer keyboard and I fell in love and realized that’s where my future lies.

Bra_Zee: The desire to solve problems, both for fun and profit. Plus it seemed cool.

Q: What language do you code with?

Pipeur: Mainly in Java, but also C#, JavaScript and Python as well.

Joistiq: A lot, but currently the languages I work with are javascript, Java and Python. Oh, and markup. It’s not a language but you can’t build a website without markup (let’s call this an honorable mention *LOL*)

Kiko: Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Bra_Zee: Javascript

Q: Do you prefer to work in a team or by yourself?

Kiko: In a team

Joistiq: I work faster alone, but it doesn’t hurt to have someone help out... if they can keep up with me.

Pipeur: Both ways work for me

Bra_Zee: In a team

Q: Got any favorite blogs/websites? Reasons?

Kiko: I like Appy Geek (the App version). I just enjoy their dark theme UI and UX.

Joistiq: YOUTUBE YOUTUBE YOUTUBE. I live on YouTube.
Uhm why? Because its like having a TV with 1,000,000 channels to choose from... and I get to live vicariously through others(I like watching vlogs)

Pipeur: Facebook. Because of it's fluid UI and simplicity of use.


Reason: The wealth of knowledge on there

Q: From a developer’s perspective, what would you say are some of the best/worst websites or apps and why?

Kiko: I cant find the url, but the Swiss Airlines(I’m not sure about the name) is the best website i’ve seen. And it’s because of its fully immersive UI and UX.

*Found it*

Joistiq: is my current best website. I haven’t really thought about answers to this question. Ask me tomorrow.

Pipeur: For me as a developer, there is no such thing as a bad website or app. But as a user, Facebook is one of the awesome web applications.

Bra_Zee: Worst: Pick any Ghana Government website (*oops*)

Best: Plex Media App. Just so beautiful

Q: What are some of your favorite development tools?

Kiko: Visual Studio code (Text Editor), JetBrains suite (IDE)

Joistiq: Atom text editor, Google Chrome developer tools, comEmu

Pipeur: IntelliJ, Android studio, Atom

Bra_Zee: Visual Studio Code, Zsh, Bitbucket, Npm, Bower

Q: What skills are you looking to improve upon?

Kiko: UI and UX creation skills as well as my core programming knowledge

Joistiq: Juggling plates. I never got the hang of it

Pipeur: Rest API with Django and Node JS

Bra_Zee: Programming skills, leadership skills

Q: Favorite web browser?

Kiko: Google Chrome

Joistiq: Google Chrome naturally. It has built in tools that aid web development.

Pipeur: Google Chrome

Bra_Zee: Google Chrome

*Chrome for the win*

Q: Favorite social media platform?

Kiko: Twitter

Joistiq: Youtube & Twitter

Pipeur: I’m not addicted to social media so I don’t have any favorite

Bra_Zee: 9gag

Q: What has been the most challenging task assigned to you thus far?

Kiko: Everything is a challenge at its inception

*let’s put that on a T-shirt!*

Joistiq: Answering these questions

*Really though?*

Pipeur: *could not decide*

Bra_Zee: A payment portal yet to go live

*watch this space*

Q: What has been your most impressive/best project completed thus far?

Kiko: My best is the backend for a particular module for Slydepay. But that isn’t live yet so no link.

Joistiq: P*** *Lol* just kidding. I never have time to appreciate my work. It’s always ‘on to the next one’ for me.

*Well, Pentiumtech appreciates your work sir, we do*

Bra_Zee: The same payment portal yet to go live

*now I can't wait to see this payment portal*

Q: If you were offered superpowers, what would you prefer? Why?

Kiko: Master of Time and Space. What is there not to like about speed up /slow down /stop time and Teleportation

Joystiq: Suggestion (It's kinda like compelling in vampire diaries). The only reason we can’t truly be free is literally because of other human beings (your mom lied. You’re not your biggest obstacle). Imagine walking in the bank and asking the bank manager for a million dollars and getting that million dollars :)

Pipeur: Telepathy. Because I would know what everyone is thinking, and always be some steps ahead of others.

Bra_Zee: Superspeed. Work superfast

Q: Favorite superhero/ supervillain?

Kiko: The Joker

Joistiq: Tyrion Lannister/ The Joker

Pipeur: Sangoku(Dragon ball)

Bra_Zee: Batman/The Joker

Q: There is a general conception that ner.. I’m sorry, geeks do not fancy football? Does that apply to you?

Kiko: Nope. I watch Man United Matches no matter what I have to do at that time.

Joistiq: F*** football

*rolls eyes*

Pipeur: I adore football. So I guess I’m an exception to the rule.

Bra_Zee: Hell no. I prefer basketball though

So there you have it. I really was eager to ask further questions, but the codes weren't going to write themselves.

And remember guys, don’t call us nerds; we are geeks. :)

