I Love Medium. Obviously.

Sar Haribhakti
People 2.0
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2016

Medium is fantastic. I love it. I use it daily. After Medium rolled out its publication friendly updates, SO many people are migrating to Medium for blogging.

As a part of my “unsolicited ideas” series, I wanted to share my ideas for what I think could make Medium even better.

Highlighting is undeniably an awesome part of the reading experience on Medium. Theres so much more that could be done to that one aspect of the reading experience.

For one, I think, being able to put emojis or expressions along with highlights would be great. It would be kinda like how Facebook’s expressions work. As of now, when I highlight some text in a piece I am reading on Medium, the writer does not know if I highlighted it because it was funny, smart, relatable or thoughtful unless its very obvious. Being able to share text-specific expressions would help authors know what kind of emotions their words ignite in their readers.


Moreover, it would be great to see how different people react to the same text.

(I tweeted at Andrew Crow about this)

I think Medium will soon launch some variation of such feature in the future. It has been making changes to the highlight feature on mobile. The latest change, as mentioned by Brian Ellin ☕️, was released yesterday —

Another thing where I think Medium as a platform could grow is becoming a collaborative writing tool. It could build out tools to enable a group of people to work on a piece together and help people give feedback to the author before the piece gets published. This puts Medium in Google Docs’ territory. It already helps us share drafts for review.

I am really excited about what the teams at Medium do next. 📝

cc Ev Williams

