Most important lesson I learned this year

Sar Haribhakti
People 2.0
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2016

We shouldn’t be proud of what we cannot do repeatedly. If we don’t know the reasoning behind why something happened or how we might be able to produce the same result again, there is a high chance that luck had a lot to do with that outcome.

We shouldn’t be proud of one-offs and “getting lucky” incidents. We cannot reproduce them. But, we can and should be proud if we always try our best to put ourselves in positions and environments where chances of “getting lucky” are higher.

A lot of decisions that should be attributed to uncontrollable factors are often incorrectly attributed to our skills and concious decisions.

This is exactly why systems are important. Concious efforts in a direction with a certain mindset helps in producing consistent results. If not in short term, then definitely in long term. Everything compounds. Process is more important than outcomes.

