Pocket : My Digital Notebook 📕

Sar Haribhakti
People 2.0
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2016

It is not unusual for users to figure out ways of using apps and services in ways the developers never imagined. A lot of times, if the founders are very receptive to feedback, products are tweaked to incorporate the new use cases that users came up with.

Besides Twitter, Medium & Nuzzle, I find myself using Pocket a lot. People mainly use Pocket for saving an article for later reading. 📱

I find myself saving an article that I come across on other platforms or the web to Pocket even though I do often have the time to read that piece there and then.

Pocket has become a lot more than what it was meant to be for me. I would much rather read everything on Pocket as my primary reading app. And this is because it lets me have a history of all the pieces I read. A lot of times I go back to several pieces I have read in the past for re-reading or thinking about the new ideas and concepts I come across. Pocket has become a note-taking app for me. 📝📚📖

I do not save articles to Pocket from Medium since Medium offers a reading history natively. More importantly, I LOVE the design & highlights feature. I highlight A LOT. I really wish Pocket had such highlighting feature. If it did, I would recommend a lot lesser pieces on Pocket. A lot of times, I select a couple lines or a paragraph that I liked to use it as a caption for the piece I recommend natively on Pocket. This is mainly my way of highlighting on Pocket. But, by doing so, I end up spamming the feeds of people that follow me. 😎

So, a Medium-like highlighting feature would really be helpful. I might sound too demanding here but I would love for Feedly to have a highlight feature as well. And maybe, Nuzzle should have it too. 😜😅

But, then again, each of these apps have one very solid value proposition point and I love all of them for the use cases they were built to serve. I guess this boils down to what I wrote yesterday. Each app is what you make of it.

Please hit the reccomend button below if you liked my piece a bit. 😄

UPDATE- I published this piece yesterday. M.G. Siegler published a new piece today. That led me to one of his old pieces that I really liked and is relevant here.

Here it is —

Pocket Pro tip — Follow him on Pocket!

Here’s one of my older pieces on consumption habits these days —

