Starting the Engineering Blog

Ostap Korkuna Engineering
1 min readJul 3, 2019

Have you ever wondered what kind of technical challenges our Engineering and Data Science teams at are facing day-to-day? Building the world’s first Revenue Intelligence System is not a simple task and some of the problems we’re solving now haven’t been solved before. To shed some light on the technical work behind the product we decided to start our own Engineering Blog.

In this blog, we will share the technical problems we face and how we solve them, war stories, our own experience and practical advice on using the latest technologies, as well as how we’re running our engineering teams.

We hire world-class engineers at and we want to bring value to the entire engineering community by giving them an opportunity to share their experience and expertise more broadly.

So, please stay tuned for more great technical articles to come!

And if you get as excited about the technical problems we solve, as we are, come join our team:

