The First People + AI Campsite: Where AI met people and purpose

shankar maruwada
People and AI


My mind raced with anticipation, unsure of what the first People + AI Campsite would bring. I had just stepped into the venue. It was April 1st, All Fools Day! The whirlwind of preparation over the past month, filled with intense meetings and passionate discussions, had left me with little time to imagine how it would all unfold. I soon realized that this gathering would exceed any expectations I may have had.

The People + AI Campsite was conceived as a mission-driven event, a space for collaboration and exchanging ideas among a diverse group of doers and dreamers. We envisioned it as a place to break free from the commercial trappings of other conferences and instead focus on the potential of AI to empower individuals and communities.

In the days leading up to the event, it became apparent that we had struck a chord with our message. Social media posts about the Campsite garnered enthusiastic responses, and our interest in attending exceeded our initial capacity. In addition, volunteers generously offered their time and energy, with some travelling great distances to be part of this gathering.

A gathering of doers and dreamers

As the day unfolded, the energy in the room was palpable. The space was filled with a diverse mix of government officials, startup founders, venture capitalists, prominent tech executives, NGOs, academics, researchers, think tanks, philanthropists, foundations, and even students. It was inspiring to see such a wide array of perspectives and experiences come together in the spirit of collaboration and innovation.

From the beginning, the event’s tone was purposeful and urgent. Speakers dove headfirst into the complexities of AI, sharing their expertise and inviting the audience to contribute their own insights. As a result, conversations flowed organically as attendees were willing to listen, learn, and adapt their perspectives.

Throughout the day, I was struck by the recurring theme of India’s potential to lead the AI revolution. Nandan Nilekani, co-founder and chairperson of EkStep Foundation, echoed this sentiment in his plenary talk, proclaiming that 2023 can be a defining year for technology in India.

People +AI Community: from a seed to a self-sustaining movement

The Campsite’s format fostered a deep sense of engagement as participants split into groups to tackle AI-related challenges in law and justice, agriculture, education and skilling, and other industries. This focus on problem-solving and collaboration enabled attendees to move beyond their titles and roles, fostering genuine connections and the exchange of ideas.

As gratifying as it was to witness the success of the first People + AI Campsite, I recognize that this is just the beginning. The seed we have planted must be carefully nurtured and cultivated into a thriving, self-sustaining community. To that end, we have launched our online community on Circle, which has grown to over 200 members and is a platform for lively debate and discussion.

Our ultimate goal is to prove that AI can be harnessed to benefit all, transcending sectors and industries. By bringing together diverse perspectives and skill sets, we can ensure that AI solutions are people-centric and representative. We invite more individuals and organizations to join the People + AI community, helping to shape its future through respectful, purpose-driven dialogue.

As we embark on this journey, we must remember that the messiness of society is not a problem for AI to solve but rather an opportunity for AI to integrate and amplify human potential. Together, we can harness the power of AI to enrich lives and transform the world around us. The first People + AI Campsite was a powerful beginning but is the first step in a long, purposeful journey.

In the coming months, we must demonstrate the value of AI, as a tool, for social good. We need to showcase solutions spanning multiple domains, proving that AI can be transformative and inclusive. As the People + AI community grows and evolves, we hope to see it become self-sustaining within the following year.

To achieve this, we must commit to working together in a collaborative, learning-centred environment. We must challenge ourselves to think creatively, embrace new perspectives, and remain open to AI’s possibilities. As we forge ahead, let us stay focused on our mission and steadfast in our pursuit of empowering people through AI.

A call to action: shaping the future of People + AI

The first People + AI Campsite ignited a spark, setting the stage for a movement transcending borders and industries. With dedication and collective effort, we can create a world where AI is a force for good, amplifying human potential and capacity rather than threatening it. Imagine a future where AI is not merely a tool for corporate efficiency but a lifeline for a farmer battling crop failure or an educator seeking to revolutionize learning.

The road ahead is filled with challenges and opportunities, but the enthusiasm and commitment displayed at the Campsite give me confidence that we can overcome any obstacles. So this is a call to action for dreamers and doers alike: join us in shaping the future of People + AI and creating a world where technology serves the greater good.

We stand at the precipice of a new era, poised to redefine what is possible when the worlds of technology and humanity unite. AI has the power to address some of society’s most pressing challenges, and this potential can only be realized through the collective efforts of diverse and dedicated individuals like you.

Together, we can ensure that AI is not only integrated into the fabric of society but woven in such a way that it uplifts and empowers us all.

To that end, we have launched our online community on Circle , which has grown to over 200 members and is a platform for lively debate and discussion

