Demand a People’s Bailout

Mike Gold
Left Policy Focus
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2020

500 groups have already signed-on to a #PeoplesBailout

Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

The next congressional financial package (phase 4) in response to the coronavirus pandemic is currently being discussed by national, state, and local leaders, organized labor, social service organizations, and businesses.

Groups that support more immediate and significant financial assistance to impacted individuals are organizing and coalescing around some common broad themes for a #peoplesbailout.

The last 2.2 trillion bailout (phase 3) provided some relief to people impacted by job loss, poverty, homelessness and the healthcare care crisis. It provided some much-needed funds to protect healthcare workers, the unemployed, freelancers and gig workers. But — those provisions were grossly inadequate to meet the challenge of this unique moment.

Big business, as usual, made off with billions in bailout money and with far too few strings attached. The limited provisions for oversight of the $500 billion giveaways to big-business were far too few and without adequate enforcement mechanisms. Even those inadequate measures were too much for the business elite. For example, the CARES Act that went to the President for signature required the creation of an Inspector General to oversee the $500 billion business slush fund but was immediately eliminated by President Trump in his signing statement. The Democratic Party leadership got played again.

As we prepare for the next congressional package, we should take the lessons learned and create mass pressure on our congressional and state leaders. We should organize creative direct actions in this time of physical distancing and seek to create a mass movement united around a list of bold, but achievable demands.

Now is the time for a people’s bailout.

Over 500 groups have already signed-on to support the five principles below:

· Health is the top priority, for all people, with no exceptions

· Economic relief must be provided directly to the people

· Rescue workers and communities, not corporate executives

· Make a down payment on a regenerative economy while preventing future crises

· Protect our democratic process while protecting each other

In addition to these general principles, other groups are calling for immediate short-term relief provisions which include:

  • Use of the Defense Production Act to make needed medical supplies on an emergency basis, including test kits, personal protective equipment, ventilators, IV pumps, hospital beds, and other supplies; and to build additional hospitals, triage, and quarantine facilities.
  • Emergency extension of free health care, including coronavirus testing and treatment for all, including undocumented immigrants.
  • A moratorium on rent, mortgage, and other loan payments and cancellation of all student loans. A moratorium on evictions and repossessions. Open up vacant public housing and facilities to house the homeless.
  • Provide free food for families who need it.
  • Hazard pay for those on the front lines: nurses, doctors, pharmacists, medical techs, administrative support staff, grocery store workers, delivery workers, truck drivers, mail carriers, police, fire, EMS — anyone deemed essential who cannot work from home.
  • Extension and expansion of unemployment benefits equal to 100% of wages to those affected by the crisis, including furloughed workers and those with reduced work hours for the duration of the national emergency, including undocumented immigrant workers.
  • Lift the blockade on Cuba and sanctions on Iran to stop hindering their ability to respond to the global crisis. Global cooperation, including with China, to defeat the coronavirus is essential.
  • Release of refugees currently imprisoned at the border and in detention centers elsewhere. Reversal of new rules turning away amnesty seekers.
  • De-incarceration of those convicted of low-level drug possession and non-violent offenders. Amnesty for elderly non-violent prisoners. Extra protections for remaining incarcerated and prison staff from high risks associated with prisons.
  • Reversal of new EPA rules allowing corporation’s free rein to pollute the environment.
  • Reversal of new rules allowing federal union-busting.

Long-term demands include:

· National universal health care with coverage for everyone, including homeless, undocumented, non-citizen residents, and visitors (people on student, work, or tourist visas). Incorporate a robust public health program to include preventive health, community medicine, and disaster preparedness.

· Mandatory paid sick leave, including personal sick leave, parental leave for the birth, fostering, or adoption of a child, leave to take care of a sick family member. Convert everything covered by FMLA to paid leave.

· Full funding for hospitals and clinics in every community, town, and rural community. Nurses in every school.

· Full funding of the VA, CDC, and FEMA, and restoration of government agencies overseeing pandemic preparedness.

For more information, to take action, to sign on to this demand for a #peoplesbailout, or to share information on social media, click here.

Mike Gold is a policy analyst, political commentator, writer, and photographer. Mike focuses on peace, social justice, and putting people before profits.



Mike Gold
Left Policy Focus

Policy analyst and political commentator focused on progressive public policy, peace, and social justice issues.