3 Things All Teenagers Desperately Crave From Their Parents

And how to build the relationship you’ve always wanted with your kid

Katie E. Lawrence
People Business


Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

The teenage years are a confusing and wild time for everybody. Many a parent and teen pair have found that no one really knows what they’re doing.

It’s the awful middle ground between childhood and adulthood that looks different for everyone who goes through it.

“Adolescence represents an inner emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human wish to cling to the past and the equally powerful wish to get on with the future.” — Louise J. Kaplan

While every teen and parent/child dynamic is different and there’s no one size fits all parenting advice, I think there tend to be some pretty consistent things that teens want from their parents.

I spend a lot of time working with and talking to teenagers, and have a couple of younger teenage brothers myself.

Here’s what I’ve learned about what they’re looking for and what they crave most from their parents and other supportive adults in their life:

#1: Respect as a fellow human being



Katie E. Lawrence
People Business

Soon to be B.S. in Human Development & Family Science. I write about life, love, stories, psychology, family, technology, and how to do life better together.