We Stand With Ilhan

Our Voice
People For The Revolution
1 min readMar 6, 2019

Not long ago, Sen. Bernie Sanders announced his bid for the presidential race in 2020. Within a week, hundreds of thousands of progressives and progressive-minded people alike flooded his campaign coffers with over $10 million, signifying an overwhelming and unprecedented display of unification, zeal and dedication to his — and effectively our — cause.

While the road ahead in 2020 may look like a promising pathway for a progressive presidency, it is important to remember, and stand by, those that we have already elected. Recently, Rep. Ilhan Omar has been wrongfully scrutinized by both Democrats and Republicans for her criticisms regarding the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Because of her criticisms, she has been the target of vulgar anti-Muslim ridicule, online shaming and death threats.

Anti-Semitism is abhorrent; however, fair criticism of a lobbying organization's questionable dealings with elected officials, regardless of what faith its members believe in, does not warrant this type of behavior. With that said, today the members of the Political Revolution want our position on the matter to be made absolutely clear.

We solemnly stand with Ilhan.

Show your support for Ilhan by sounding off your opinion on Twitter or Facebook using the hastag #IStandWithIlhanOmar. Be sure to subscribe to the Political Revolution’s subreddit here for the latest news, discussions, and volunteer opportunities when they arise.



Our Voice
People For The Revolution

Our take on the latest news and policies that affect progressives.