Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam

The Jasper Lines
People in Comics
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2017

Who is Black Adam?

Who is Black Adam? According to Wikipedia, Black Adam was created by Otto Binder and C. C. Beck in 1945 as a one-shot villain for the first issue of Fawcett ComicsThe Marvel Family comic book. The original version of Black Adam appeared only once during the Fawcett’s initial publication run of Captain Marvel comics. In The Marvel Family #1, Black Adam is an ancient Egyptian named Teth-Adam (i.e., “Mighty Human”), who is chosen by the wizard Shazam to be his successor due to his presumed moral purity.


When Teth-Adam says the magic word “Shazam”, he is transformed into a super-powered being possessing the same powers that Captain Marvel would later be granted; however, Mighty Adam is soon corrupted by the vastness of his powers. Originally, the wizard Shazam grants Adam powers derived from ancient Greco-Roman deities; later in the series, it was changed to ancient Egyptian deities.

Deciding that he should rule the world, Mighty Adam overthrows and kills the pharaoh and assumes the Egyptian throne. Angered by this betrayal, Shazam renames his errant champion “Black Adam”, and — unable to revoke the powers he gave Adam, banishes him to the most distant star in the universe. Black Adam spends the next 5,000 years flying back to Earth. By the time he makes it back, in 1945, Shazam has appointed three new champions to take his place: Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr.

Dwayne Johnson


Now, we all know that things have changed a lot in our world today for comics. The characters become real life people in movies. The characters are brought to life and the stories are too. However, the filmmakers may not always stick to the original stories of comic books. Comic books and the stories of the characters have been through some changes too. We soon forget the original stories if the movies are made well, but we don’t forget the comic book characters. When we see someone play the part of a comic book character, we expect to see the looks of the character. Can you see Black Adam in Dwayne Johnson? In my opinion, he certaintly has the looks.

People are ready to see a Shazam movie! I believe that it will be the best Shazam movie ever if and when it is made. People are excited about Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam. They are very anxious to see him play the part.

