Seeing Superman With Other Heroes and Villains

The Jasper Lines
People in Comics
Published in
1 min readMay 20, 2018

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Superman has foes, but in movies there are not enough with supernatural powers. We constantly see Spider-Man with a whole lot of villains. He fights more than one which makes his movies more interesting compared to Superman. It’s exciting to me to see Superman with other heroes and Villains. I’ve always wanted to see a movie of Superman and Shazam together.

Shazam is someone that has super powers like Superman. However, I always thought that Shazam was more interesting. The story of Superman and Shazam are two totally different stories. They both wear capes but their costumes are totally different. How in the world DC was able to sue the character Shazam in the past and win, I do not know. Fawcett ceased publishing Captain Marvel-related comics in 1953, partly because of a copyright infringement suit from DC Comics, alleging that Captain Marvel was a copy of Superman. DC probably sued because based on book sales, Shazam was the most popular superhero of the 1940s outselling Superman. Now DC owns Shazam. I’d like to see what great movie they can make involving Superman.

