Superman _ The Last Knight

The Jasper Lines
People in Comics
Published in
1 min readJul 7, 2018

Adventures of Superman

Warner Bros. Television Distribution

“The Last Knight” is an episode of Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves. It is on the season 6 DVD.

On the H&I channel, I saw Superman in this interesting eposide. However I did not get to watch this channel on my TV because of some kind of interference causing the digital channel to go in and out. So I watched it online.

A man wearing armor kidnaps the red headed Lois Lane and Jimmy. It all started with a group of four rich men that formed a kind of secret society, attempting to follow the code of the Arthurian knights. They took names like Gawain and Lancelot. While Lois and Jimmy are in a museum, they steal. However, the two reporters are initially blamed. Superman looks into it. One of the knights are captured by the police. Superman traded places with him and wore his armor as a disguise. He went to rescue Lois Lane and Jimmy that were locked up in a place that looked like a castle dungeon.

