10 Best Benefits Administration Software For Employees — 2022

Alyson Taylor
People Managing People
4 min readOct 8, 2020
10 Best Benefits Administration Software For Employees Featured Image

This article will help you quickly compare and evaluate the best benefits administration software and other human resource software programs.

As any HR professional knows, benefit administration systems are one part of a full suite of HRIS systems. Proper benefit management is part of good workforce planning as it ensures your workforce stays motivated, healthy, and cared for. If you want to inspire long-term loyalty, a transparent and flexible benefits system is the place to start.

Benefits administrative software is one of the many types of HRIS systems but it can cover a lot of ground, like providing a helpful employee benefits dashboard or assisting with different kinds of benefits tracking.

In this post, I’ll share with you the advantages of having flexible benefits systems and I will highlight a few of the best benefit tools that you can add to your stable of HR software.

Quickly Compare & Evaluate The 10 Best Benefit Administration Solutions

Below I’ve put together a list of some benefits administration software that HR professionals should check out.

The Best Benefit Admin Solutions

Here’s a shortlist of the best benefits administrator tools:

  1. ADP
  2. Infor
  3. Rippling
  4. Ascentis
  5. Sap SuccessFactors
  6. Gusto
  7. BerniePortal
  8. Peoplekeep
  9. Benefitfocus
  10. SentricHR

Employee Benefits Administration FAQ

Still have some questions about benefits administration tools? This FAQ is designed to help.

What is benefits administration software?

Benefits administration software is a system or series of systems that help HR teams organize employee benefits including but not limited to health and dental benefits, 401(k) retirement plans, and paid time off.

How does benefits admin software compare to benefits administration outsourcing services?

Benefits administration software differs from benefits outsourcing in several key ways:

  • It requires more administration effort on your part but also keeps all workflow within your company, meaning higher levels of control
  • It may have higher health benefit premiums because you don’t have the leveraging power of a larger conglomerate, however self-lead software tends to be cheaper to license
  • Compliance and liability falls squarely on your shoulders, whereas outsourcing makes it someone else’s burden to carry
  • Employing your own benefits admin software means you get to pick your plan and provider, whereas an outsourcing company reserves the right to make changes on a whim

How does benefits administration software help you set up employee benefit systems?

Every benefits administration software will have its own way of setting up an employee benefits system, so it’s important to talk to the customer support team for your solution of choice to learn the ins and outs. Typically, benefits administration software will help you evaluate and plan what benefits you want to employ based on your company size, budget, and needs and then will help you implement it, connect it to your payroll, and onboard employees.

What are alternatives to Paycor payroll?

The Paycor payroll system is pretty popular but there are plenty of alternatives to this benefits administration solution if you need something different; for example, ADP, Infor, or Rippling. Keep reading this article to learn more about these options.

Employee Benefits Solution Comparison Criteria

What are we looking for when we select employee benefits management systems for review? Here’s a summary of my evaluation criteria:

1.User Interface (UI): Is it clean, attractive, and modernized? Does the navigation make sense and is it easy to find what you need?

2.Usability: Does the company offer good tech support, user support, tutorials, and training? How easy or difficult is the software to learn?

3.Features & Functionality:

  • Employee Self-Service Portal (ESS) — Can employees easily and intuitively search and register for benefit plans through a dedicated portal?
  • Payroll Deductions — Does your benefits software automatically deduct what’s required?
  • Range of Benefits Covered — Does a single software solution cover everything from health and dental benefits, 401K retirement, and more?
  • Built-in Integration with Payroll — If the software doesn’t come with its own payroll features, does it have some way to connect with whatever system you use?

4.Integrations: Is it easy to connect with other tools? Any pre-built integrations? Does it offer access to an app marketplace?

5.Value for $: How appropriate is the price for the features, capabilities, and use case? Is pricing clear, transparent and flexible?

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Keep reading to see the full article of 10 Best Benefits Administration Software For Employees 2020

Originally published at https://peoplemanagingpeople.com on June 20, 2020.



Alyson Taylor
People Managing People

Marketing Coordinator at Black + White Zebra Inc, an indie media publishing company based in Vancouver, BC.