HR Trends And Emerging Practices For 2020

Alyson Taylor
People Managing People
5 min readSep 14, 2020
Graphics of HR Trends

Are you always on the hunt for new and upcoming hr trends but struggling to find the time to do so? Not to worry! We’ve got you covered. As a society in this ever-emerging hr world, we continue to foster innovation within our daily practices. But let’s be honest — keeping up with those daily practices alone can be tiresome and tedious with little time to spare. We can be oblivious to the hr trends that are standing RIGHT in front of us. So allow me to make them clear and well laid out for you, as these hr trends could greatly impact the current performance of your organization.

So what are the current trends in hr you ask? Well let’s scroll down and see, shall we?

Trending our way to the future

So let me break it down for you. These are emerging hr trends and predictions based on statistics from our audience — the people! Feel free to take notes, as these latest hr trends are something you should probably keep a close eye on. And hey! they may even help solve some of the hr issues that you have been experiencing in your day-to-day (we all experience them, I promise you are not alone).

1. Onboarding 101

Let’s start from the beginning with some general onboarding. Or should I say, lack thereof? It has been stated that 76% of HR leaders admit onboarding practices are underutilized at their organization. That is threequarters of all organizations that are failing to complete a crucial first step in the hiring process. This is an example of simple hr practices that can make or break not only the employee’s experience but the overall organizational gain.
So much so that according to Digitate people who didn’t have a positive new hire experience were 2X more likely to look for different opportunities in the near future. Thus, ensuring a seemly onboarding experience is a crucial first step and a trend that should be on the rise!

Check out the 10 Best Employee Management Systems to help cover all your bases

people who didn’t have a positive new hire experience were 2X more likely to look for different opportunities in the near future

2. Employee Engagement

Now employee engagement can be somewhat of an umbrella topic within human resource trends but this will be straight forward — are your employees engaged? Taken from a poll done by Gallup 53% of workers are not engaged within their work. This proves to be very concerning as this can be directly correlated to the commitment to an employee. If an employee doesn’t feel engaged within their place of work they’re probably failing to feel self-worth within the company as a whole. Furthermore, companies that have a formal engagement strategy in place are 67% more likely to improve their revenue per full-time equivalent on a year-over-year basis. We should see this number grow through 2020 as organizations begin to take on a more embrace employee engagement within their human resources best practices.

3. Millennial-Focused

The adaption of generations, who knew it would be so complex? Whether it’s the baby boomers, gen z’s, or the millennials in between they are all routing for their voice to be heard. But let’s focus on the millennials as come 2020 they will make up 35 percent of our global workforce. Millennials like to surround themselves with challenges and change. In fact, when asked about new opportunities within the workforce, two-thirds of millennials stated that two years or less is the “right” amount of time before being promoted or moving to another role. Confirming their ambitious job style and need for change!

It is evident that millennials will soon be the ones taking over our workforce, as they already speak for 50% of the American workforce alone. Being an organization that is aware of this trend and adaptable to satisfy their thirst for challenging workstyles will prove to be beneficial.

4. AI Integration in Full Force

It seems as though AI (artificial intelligence) integration is a new hr trend on the rise. Although opinions may vary, AI can vastly improve the time and labor involved in many tedious HR tasks. To elaborate on this point, it was noted that on average, talent acquisition professionals spend nearly 1/3 of their workweek (about 13 hours) sourcing candidates for a single role, and nearly 1 in 3 respondents spend over 20 hours. Having AI integration would free up time-consuming tasks such as recruitment completely. A survey done by Entelo reported that 70% of respondents agreed that automated sourcing would increase their productivity.
AI has the potential to transform hr practices from recruitment to employee experience and talent management. It can truly be revolutionary to the tasks and processes surrounding HR and hr trends.
Here’s a list of Best HR Software to create a better workplace and ignite AI integration.

5. Communication Meets Communication Tools

Communication, now this seems like a no brainer yet there is 34 percent of people who are extremely dissatisfied with the communication they’re experiencing within their place of work. Team-based work with transparent communication channels is on the rise and you need to adapt to them!
Start looking beyond your inbox and initiate a conversation that matters by introducing new channels to keep your team alert and engaged! There are tons of functional communication tools out there that can keep your team united and transparent with one another!

6. Can you Flex?

Flexible work arrangments in the workplace prove to be more beneficial to an organization than one may think. One study showed that 73% of employees said flexible work arrangements increased their satisfaction at work, moreover, 78% of employees said flexible work arrangements made them more productive.
Embracing work/life balance is easier than ever. Especially so with the technological mobility that allows people to work form cafes, mobiles, or even the comfort of their home. Offering flexibility within your organization could intensely increase your overall productivity immediately. To be fair, we can’t expect everyone’s ideal work hours to be 9 am — 5 pm.

7. Employee Wellness and Wellbeing

A final hr trend is employee wellness programs and benefits packages are becoming detrimental to overall employee satisfaction. A study shows33% of employees say they have missed work due to workplace stress alone!
Mental health is a prevent issue world-wide, yet 68% of employees think if someone reached out to HR or management about a mental health issue, it would negatively impact their job security. Fostering open and respectful work environments for employees to feel safe and valued will prove to be very impactful for any organization.
Take Google, for example, they have an outstanding wellness program that caters to their employee’s utmost wellbeing. Okay, so maybe office dogs, on-call doctors, and Lego stations are a little far out when it comes to the basics — but I think you get the point.
When your employee recognizes they become committed to their work.

Graphics of statics for hr trends and emerging practices

Originally published at on June 19, 2020.



Alyson Taylor
People Managing People

Marketing Coordinator at Black + White Zebra Inc, an indie media publishing company based in Vancouver, BC.