Dave Craige
People Matter
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2016



The Driver Coalition is a strong and unified group of 150 volunteer drivers working together to help lead the 90,000+ drivers in the online forums in the United States. Here is what we stand for and why.

The Problem : Drivers are not being respected. Many drivers are unhappy. Drivers incomes have been cut over and over. In California there have been six income cuts by Uber and more are expected. When drivers are working extremely long hours and are underpaid then happiness levels plummet. When incomes get cut over and over again then drivers and their families are unhappy. Drivers no longer trust Uber and are losing trust in some of the other ridehailing companies as well. They often don’t feel supported by the very company they are working for.

Our focus is simple: People Matter. The drivers matter. We need to be compassionate to our fellow drivers. We want drivers to be happy. It is as simple as that. Drivers are content when they are making enough money and their needs are met. They feel supported when they are part of a community and are respected.

What can we do to try to increase driver happiness? Here are three things that we are laser focused on.

1. Research, Writing & Data : First, it’s essential to begin with a focus on deeply understanding this situation. We need to clearly understand how much money we as drivers are making in net income. Once we and the drivers clearly understand the numbers then drivers can exibit their personal responsibility and make good decisions as to whether they would like to continue working for these ridehailing companies. Once we understand exactly how much money the drivers are making, then we can brainstorm ways for them to be able to try to make more money. Once we understand the data we can write and share what we learn with others. We should continue to openly share our work on Medium.com, Twitter, Facebook and other online sites.

2. Standing Strong & Building Community : We need to work together as a driver community. Divided we are weak, together we are strong. It is essential for us to work side by side towards our common goal of trying to increase driver happiness. It is essential that we communicate clearly about these issues. We need to state our stance clearly and continue to educate people about the experiences of drivers in this industry.

3. Better Opportunities : Many full time Uber drivers with families may find that they just aren’t making enough money with Uber to support their families. We want to be encouraging and try to help drivers move on to even better, more profitable opportunities if need be.

What We Believe

We believe the driver should be respected.

We believe that drivers not have their incomes cut over and over.

We believe drivers should not be paid less than minimum-wage.

We believe there is enough money for drivers to make a living wage.

Our Two Main Communities

We help run DriverForum.net. One of the largest and best run communities for Uber and Lyft drivers online.
We also run a private community for driver leaders across the US. If you run a driver community drop us a line and we can add you.

Let’s continue to work together to help the drivers. Let’s keep moving forward.

