The premise of ‘People Systems’

Matt Basford
People Systems
Published in
1 min readNov 12, 2016

It’s become more widely understood that technology is fundamentally uprooting so many industries we’ve come to know and love. Subscription services like Spotify and Tidal have completely changed the paradigm of “buying” music. Netflix is ushering in an era of cord cutters, redefining TV, and terrifying cable companies in the process. Tesla, the fastest growing automotive company, is run by a software engineer, and along with Google, may soon establish a normalcy where cars drive themselves. The list goes on.

These new products, services and business models aren’t simply evolutionary in their development, they represent exponential change. Yet, it’s been said before: technology changes fast, people change slow.

This publication will explore how organizations, which are really no more than systems of people, can think about their adaptation to a technology and design-driven world that is radically changing around them. Old processes applied to new challenges and opportunities just doesn’t work.

If what we’re doing in business is dramatically changing, shouldn’t how we do it change as well?



Matt Basford
People Systems

GM of Beyond NY, an experience and product design studio. Fascinated by how design, technology, culture and business create exponential impact.