The # 1 Way Winning Makes a Difference

Sharon Dujon
People Who P.U.S.H.
2 min readApr 8, 2017
We win when we lift others

Current circumstances in this country appear to be stacked against winning. I have heard many express this same sentiment. Sadly there are those individuals who have relinquished the fight and settled for one of this life’s biggest lies. This major lie of life is that our effort is useless because there is no way for average folks to win.

I reject the loser/losing mindset.

After the November 8th, general election the spirit of uncertainty plagued my psyche. Things had become so negative, so divisive I wondered whether black and brown people would ever find ways to win again, in 2017 America.

That is when I started the personal hashtag #findwaystowin. I needed a way to encourage myself and to remind myself and others that winning is not a circumstantial consequence. Winning is in our DNA! Using the hashtag, each week and most days there were wins to write about. Now I was seeing ‘winning’ all around me.

Acknowledging these ‘wins’ brought a measure of peace to my soul. Slowly the weight of losing began to lift and I felt myself embracing possibility again. I was able to refocus on aspirations and began a plan of action to help others win.

But how can I help others wins when I still have so much to fix in myself? Here I go again, sliding down the slippery slope of doubt; I’m not that good, why would anyone listen to me, I am too overweight to stand in front of a real audience, do I even have the endurance to handle a two-hour presentation? Then there was my real life issue of a seriously injured back -from an auto accident –which refused to respond to treatment.

But here is a truth I know to be real. Our list of excuses will continue to escalate in direct proportion to the quantity of time the mind is given the opportunity to aimlessly wonder. Wiser minds -as documented in the Bible- warned us about guarding the recesses of the mind.

Taking a group of women through my first “Goal Setting Roadmap” was sheer delight for me! I did it, and the process grew me. Many from this group converted to my second offering; Masterminding on Successful Leadership skill building.

Momentum is beginning to build, and I know when this flywheel gets going not much will be able to stand in its way.

Oh, did I tell you? I started working with a nutritionist and over the last month, the scale recorded a 12-pound weight loss!

As I help others win, the real winning is coming right back to me…and I am happy about it!

This is my Day 7 post for the 30 Day Writing Challenge in the Speak Write Now Community.



Sharon Dujon
People Who P.U.S.H.

I am a Leadership and Communications growth accelerator. As a Speaker, Teacher and Coach, I help you manifest your purpose with strategic intention.