Mark A Chambers
People Who P.U.S.H.
2 min readOct 21, 2016


This post is in reply to Day 4 of the Get It Write 14 Day Blogging Challenge:

When I saw this picture going around in social media for the first time my immediate thought was “That dog is gonna die trying to attack an eagle. “

Then, after reading everyone’s comments I allowed my thoughts to be jaded by the perspectives of others.

Now, having to seek out my own perspective I kept hearing the song I embedded in the picture via Shuttersong.

Steve Harvey has been quoted as saying “Every successful person has jumped. Eventually you are going to have to jump. You cannot just exist in this life. You have got to try to live. But to get to that life, you’re gonna have to jump,”

So back to the picture of the dog and the eagle:

I have to give it to this dog, we have allowed fear to keep us from our goals.

Who is to say that:

  • The dog would survive
  • The eagle save the dog
  • There’s a trampoline below

For all all we know that dog’s desire was to kiss the bird.

That dog risked it all.

Way ta go dog!!!

We must move past fear and achieve our goals.

Whatever our goals may be,

go for it JUMP!!!

You just may reach them.

I’m in the midst of a 12 Week Year for writing. Join my journey here:

