What Is A P.U.S.H-er?

Robert Kennedy III
People Who P.U.S.H.
3 min readOct 5, 2016

I’m learning that I’m not perfect. I’m learning to be content. I’m learning that growth is the signifier of success in most lives. I’m learning that as crazy as some people’s stories might be to me, my story might be just as crazy to someone else.

I’m learning that we all have baggage. And we all must learn how to let go of the baggage in order to heal. Many of us hold on to the baggage ferociously because it’s all we know. The discomfort of letting go and not knowing keeps us stuck in the hell we DO know.

Sometimes the hell you are in doesn’t burn immediately but the smoke may blind your eyes long enough for opportunity to pass you by. That’s the goal of hell. It’s not this place with a little red guy and a pitch fork. For most of us, it’s right here, right in front of us and all around. Well, at least until we decide to become content enough to heal. Being content doesn’t mean settling. It doesn’t mean giving up. It doesn’t mean deciding to wallow in the crap you’ve become used to.

Being content means being intentional in your decision to be happy no matter what. Being content means the only measuring stick for your life is being better than who you were yesterday and not a comparative version of someone else. It means letting go of blame. It means releasing yourself from guilt. It means deciding that where you are now is enough for you to launch from. It means not waiting for circumstances to be perfect. Being content means you understand you have purpose and it is different than anyone else in this world. Being content means being cool with knowing you don’t know everything but being open to learning anything.

Every moment, every minute, every circumstance, every experience, every heartbeat is a story. All the trouble, all the tricks, all the traps…everything, all of it, it’s all your STUFF. And your STUFF is your STORY! Your MESS is your MESSAGE! All of this is not meant to break you. It’s meant to BRING you!

The best stories aren’t the easy ones. They’re the ones where the hero breaks through the obstacles. They break through not because they’re superhuman but because they have superhuman will. They break through because they’re not afraid of their story anymore. Their story is fuel. It’s what causes them to be great.

Each of us has STUFF! It’s not the same STUFF as someone else. It’s not even the same STUFF as yesterday. But, it’s your stuff. When you accept your stuff, then you can use it to heal. You can choose to use it for creating impact in the world or even in YOUR world. When you purposely choose to use your story to heal yourself and heal others, you become a P.U.S.H-er.

Look around you. Do you see pain? Do you see joy? Do you see brokenness? Do you see brilliance? Whatever you see, there’s always a flipside. And if you’re looking at negative, choose contentment, choose acceptance. Choose to heal.

People who P.U.S.H are people who Purposefully Use Stories to Heal!



Robert Kennedy III
People Who P.U.S.H.

Leadership & Communication Speaker, Trainer, Author — Join my Storytellers Growth Lab Community — http://www.storytellersgrowthlab.com