People at Siemens
People at Siemens
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2017


To evolve, we must adapt. At least, that’s at the crux of Toby Peyton-Jones’ attitude to work and life in the 21st century. As Human Resource Director at Siemens UK, and with a background in the military, genetics research and living and working all over the globe, Toby is well-versed in the importance of challenging our intuition and getting out of our comfort zones.

Have a listen to our chat with Toby below — or, if you only have a few minutes spare, scroll down for the highlights.

“It’s an ecology. I’ve always said if you understand a brick you can understand a building and therefore if you understand the building blocks of life, you can start to see the patterns about how it’s emerging.”

“We are hardwired to be a little bit suspicious of people who don’t look like us, sound like us or act like us and that’s really a big issue. Diversity will be a critical determinant and so it’s something that we’re going to have to fight our better nature, as it were, and really learn to love.”

“It goes back to the education system. It’s about a mindset. It’s about that counter intuitive thing. You have to fail in order to learn.”

“People do adapt. Humans have been shown to be one of the most adaptable creatures that have ever walked this planet.”

