People at Siemens
People at Siemens
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2017


The energy industry affects all of us, whether as a consumer, business, or provider. But its production is no longer solely in the hands of traditional utility companies. These days, we can — and should — be looking to new corners of the globe.

Tune into our podcast below to hear energy expert Michael Metzger explain how it will soon be possible for consumers and small businesses to produce their own energy. Or scroll down to hear the highlights of the conversation.

On farmers shifting their business from milk to power

“We’re seeing a lot of traditional farmers change their business models, and are now earning more money selling energy than milk. These models are below the radar of old players in the energy system. We expect to see a lot more disruptors like this in the near future.”

On the industry’s social shift

“In the past, you had traditional roles where there is a utility, and that provides you with energy. This role has now changed so the end customer — you and me — is in a situation where we are driving the system.”

On what we can expect in the future

“Right now, you need some kind of aggregator to help you sell surplus energy because the wholesale markets require big sellers. It’s not possible for smaller producers to directly interact with the wholesale market. But in the near future — at least from a technology perspective — it will be possible for them to organize themselves without a big powerful aggregator between them.”

At Siemens, Michael Metzger is the principal key expert for energy system modeling and energy management. Part of his role involves initiating and leading R&D projects that show the potential of digitalization in the energy world. He lives in Germany with his family. Find out more about working at Siemens.

Michael is a Future Maker — one of the 372,000 talented people working with us to shape the future.

Podcast: Gemma Milne
Words: Hermione Wright
Illustration: John Hitchcox and Harry Tennant

