Bro Culture

John Philpin
People First
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2017

Caught this article through Doc Searl’s list over at #CustomerTech. In the very first paragraph we read;

It’s why Uber, the poster firm for Silicon Valley bad behavior, would think it’s okay to greyball — that is, blackball someone temporarily or provisionally — public officials who were investigating the company.

Given that The President Of The United States is attempting to do exactly the same thing — not sure why we are surprised. Or am I missing something?

Still ,there must be something in the water this morning — because I also just posted this.

Final quote from Paul McFredies …

In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek a few years ago, the data scientist and ex-Facebook employee Jeff Hammerbacher lamented that “the best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads.” Then he added, “That sucks.” Indeed, but the situation has grown even worse in the interim, because now those young minds are also thinking about how to ride roughshod over local governments, replicate their moms in code, and turn the rest of us into anxious and vulnerable gig workers.

