Getting Real Specific On Location, Location, Location

Pill Hung During

John Philpin
People First
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2017


Don’t worry, you read that right … Pill Hung During are around 15 three word phrases that will tell you exactly where the President’s Oval Office is in the Whitehouse. Phemomenal stuff really — since the team at WhatThreeWords have mapped the entire planet out with just three words — so if you want to … oh I don’t know … send a UPS package to someone on a bench in Hyde Park — you can do that …amazing. I still think there is a 3D issue — in some cases … for example which floor in the Empire State Building am I on?

But that isn’t why the system was designed …. as I wrote 18 months ago, it was with the rest of the world in mind ….

75% of the earth population, i.e. four billion people, “don’t exist” because they have no physical address. This cohort of “unaddressed” can’t open a bank account, can’t deal properly with an hospital or an administration, let alone get a delivery.

So, I was delighted to read all of this today in their occasional Newsletter …

And why is this important to The People First initiative? I think if you are asking that question you either haven’t understood our mission or the potential of What3Words hasn’t yet dawned on you. (If it is the former — let me know, we might neat to tune our message.)

