The (or A) Vision of Cryptocurrency

John Philpin
People First
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2017

Interesting article …. well worth the full read — but some highlights that resonated for me and the mission of People-First

why are we slow in the west to get it ?

People in the U.S. — and especially longtime participants in the U.S. financial system — have tended to underestimate bitcoin because we have long enjoyed relatively stable political and financial systems. People in parts of the world with less trusted systems have gotten it sooner because almost anything would be preferable to having their life’s work trapped in a fiat currency that could collapse or be confiscated at any moment.

what is currency …

In its purest form, currency is confidence. It’s a network effect around an agreed-upon medium of exchange that has some promise of scarcity. Bitcoin enforces its scarcity through a combination of cryptography and economic incentives (“cryptoeconomics”). A lot of people find that more comforting than relying on the good faith of a government. In math we trust.

should you invest …

There’s going to be a correction though. Many of these ICOs are still just slideware but are getting a Series D type of valuation. They don’t deserve that type of valuation at this stage of development. That will rationalize at some point.

why is it so big …

Ultimately this is a technology for maximizing the efficiency of every asset, means of ownership, fluidity of markets, and mechanism of payments. The goal is the optimization and maximization of the world economy. That may make it the biggest revolution of all.

which currencies intrigue you the most …

The most promising use cases to date are: store of value, payments, crowdfunding, file storage, identity management and authentication, prediction markets, escrow, title chains, notary chains, provenance, and supply chains. There are 1,500 ICOs already launched or announced, plus many other blockchain companies, so there’s a lot more to come.

