Here Come the Hotsteppers

Charles Montgomery
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2017

Who’s the Steppiest Stepper That Ever Stepped?

Are we lyrical gangsters? The case could be made. But what’s indisputable is that for the next several weeks the PeopleLikeUs team will be hotstepping its way around the city as part of our newest company challenge.

Until September 29th we’ll be individually tracking our steps to see who emerges as PeopleLikeUs’ most prolific walker. As always, the winner will be awarded Honeydew, the PLU Challenge unicorn trophy, plus a wonderfully toned set of legs.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

What It Is

We decided on a contest period of three weeks. At first we were leaning toward one week, but thought a longer period would make the contest more interesting. It‘ll give everyone a chance to observe their walking habits, learn and adapt. A week into the contest, we can already see people making adjustments to squeeze more steps into their lives.

Every Friday we’ll be posting the previous week’s totals on a whiteboard. The first week’s totals are already up and show some impressive numbers. They also hint that this is shaping up to be one of our most engaging challenges yet.

Must…resist…urge…to run

Crossing the Finish Line

When the contest wraps up*, we’ll be sure to post the results here on our blog. We’re also going to talk to some of our participants about their step counting experience and see if we can’t shake a few interesting insights out of this challenge. Hit us up with a Follow and be sure to check back the week of October 2nd.

This is definitely a contest you should try at your office. It’s a great way to get people active, everyone can get involved and it’s good for team building. In the week we’ve been at it, more people are going out for walks together and colleagues are getting competitive in just the right way.

So get out there and get stepping.

*UPDATE: This contest has wrapped up! Check out the results here.

‘Morning, Jenkins

P.S. Need a little extra motivation? Our specially made playlist oughta do it:

