Keep your hands busy

Valerie Letourneau-Cyr
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2017

I have a hard time not doing anything while in meetings or on phone calls. If I just listen, I start daydreaming and then I lose focus and forget who I’m talking to (ok it’s never that bad but still!). I’ve been like that my whole life and I remember how frustrated my teachers were when they would see me drawing or doing something else, thinking I was not listening. That’s where they are wrong though, it’s not because you are doodling that you are not listening! It might be your secret to keep focus.

These days, my job requires a lot of phone interviews and conference call meeting, which means, a lot of opportunity to lose focus. Either I take a lot of notes or I find a way to keep myself busy while listening. So what to do when you are like me !?


I know it’s hard for some of us to just go freestyle and draw something out of the blue. It was for me. Just start small, some circles, cubes, shapes. It will come with time and then your notebook will be full of little doodles (or bigger one). Just have fun, it’s okay to have ugly ones, and it’s okay to fail.


I rediscovered the joy of origami when we had our Japanese theme night last year. I started building some cranes for fun, it was relaxing and really fun. Then we had Indian night last week and I decided to make some elephants and lotus flowers. Elephants are more complex than I thought they would be, so now I’m opting for lotus flowers while on the phone. Here’s an easy step by step:

If you are up to the challenge, you can also try the elephant with this amazing tutorial.


If you have a lot of time, for example you are listening to an Audio book, you can buy a coloring book. Not a Dora one, now there is plenty of adults one. I personally bought a Harry Potter and Doctor who one, but there are also fun Mandalas and Celtic ones that requires less engagement.

Try some of these and show me what you got ! And don’t forget, try to have fun! Do you have any other tricks ?



Valerie Letourneau-Cyr

Management consultant, specialized in HR and Operations.