Art makes the march beautiful. And the Peoples Climate March will have lots of art.

Duncan Meisel
Peoples Climate Movement
1 min readApr 20, 2017

People across the United States are getting ready to march for jobs, justice and the climate on April 29th by making stunning art of all kinds.

It’s happening at parties from one coast:

To another:

And places in between:

By people from all walks of life:

It’s being wheatpasted on telephone poles:

Made into little circles of resistance:

Big circles of resistance:

Or turned into big banners:

…and even bigger banners.

And other art it is being sung, together.

Dozens of art builds are underway across the country and in Washington DC. At least 50 marching bands, choruses and other musical groups are planning to join the march too. Together we will be a beautiful, unmistakable collective image of resistance — that cannot be ignored.

Join the Peoples Climate March on April 29 here.

