Peoples Climate March 2017 — By the Numbers

Duncan Meisel
Peoples Climate Movement
3 min readApr 13, 2017

The Peoples Climate March will thunder through the streets of Washington DC on April 29th. Here’s what to expect from the march, by the numbers:

1254 miles

How far riders on the bus from Wichita, Kansas will travel to the Peoples Climate March — the longest bus trip of any of the hundreds of organized buses to the march.

3 days

How long a group of fisherman will be traveling, by boat, to protect their livelihoods and community as part of the #climatemarchbysea.


The hottest year in recorded history — beating out 2015 and 2014, which are in the #2 and #3 hottest year slots.

182 Politicians

The number of members of congress who were climate deniers in 2016.

22 — and growing

The number of blocks in the march, representing communities and causes of all kinds, from families to labor rights and more.


The amount of money available for environmental justice programs in Trump’s EPA budget.

50 enormous circular banners:

The total count of the circles of resistance being made by networks at art builds across the country to spread beneath the Washington Monument as the march comes to a close.

50+ marching bands and choruses

That’s how many musical acts are planning to join the march in the streets on April 29th — so Washington will both see and hear our power. Get ready to get down.


The net worth of Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson after being CEO of ExxonMobil, which knew the truth about climate change and covered it up for decades.

50+ events

The total number of trainings, convergences, art builds, lobby days, demonstrations and other side events that will be taking place throughout DC surrounding April 29th.

837 organizations (and growing)

The number of labor unions, community groups, environmental justice organizations, racial justice groups, climate organizing networks, immigrant defense organizations, progressive powerhouses and Resistance groups that have endorsed the march.


The people needed to change everything. We need to see you in the streets on April 29th as we resist, build and rise together.

RSVP here for the Peoples Climate March on April 29th

