These are the people coming to the Peoples Climate March:

Duncan Meisel
Peoples Climate Movement
2 min readApr 16, 2017

There are over 800 organizations, networks and community groups that are mobilizing for the Peoples Climate March on April 29. It will be an epic show of resistance 100 days after Trump’s inauguration, and tens of thousands of people are planning to attend. Here are some of the beautiful — and surprising — faces you’ll see in the streets on the 29th:

Indigenous climate leaders:

Scientists who are seeing their research under attack:

This retired coal miner who sees a better way for the future:

These fisherman building their own climate solutions on the water:

Ice cream makers:

Frontline activists:

Teenagers fighting for their future:

And parents fighting for their kids too:

At least one former Vice President:

Jews for climate justice:

A whole lot of nurses — and other organized labor leaders:

Kids suing the federal government for creating climate chaos:

Some wonderful artists:

These young millennials of color who are leading the next wave of the movement:

This Iraq war veteran:

And everyone else who is sick of the lies, the pollution and the deception — and is ready to resist, build and rise together:

Join them — and so many more — at the Peoples Climate March on April 29. Together we will resist, we will build and we will rise.

