Demonstrators take battle against white supremacy to Trump’s front door

Peoplesworld Social Media
People's World
Published in
1 min readAug 7, 2019


Demonstrators bring an anti-racist message right to President Donald Trump’s front door. | LCLAA via Facebook

Originally published at People’s World.

WASHINGTON — Upset and energized by President Trump’s inadequate tele-prompted words on white supremacy, racism and the mass murders in El Paso and Dayton, hundreds of people gathered opposite the White House Aug. 6 to link Trump to the massacres — and to vow continued campaigning to get Congress to act, plus retribution at the polls next year for lawmakers and Trump if they don’t.

The snap demonstration, called by the New Poor People’s Campaign, the Teachers (AFT) and the Service Employees, also drew large contingents from the AFL-CIO and Labor’s Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA), organized labor’s constituency group for Latinx people.

And all the speakers, including LCLAA chief Hector Sanchez, who closed the program, promised Trump — and Congress — that the campaign would continue until both meaningful gun control legislation is enacted and white supremacy is rooted out…

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